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Taehyung pov ,

On Sunday, jungkook sir once again fries my brain with mathematics. However, I can't deny the fact that I'm actually getting a grip on that algebra concept. Also, I can't help liking jungkook sir more with each fleeting day. I don't know If this is what people call as love but I adore and respect him a lot.

Besides that, though I was once inquisitive about my feelings for him, now I don't want to find out about it at all.

Because my parents would break my leg If they ever figure out about me being in love with someone before marriage. Thus, I let it be. I am well capable of governing my heart and I would not ever permit it to fall in love.

The following day, that is, on Monday, I attend school as usual. But during lunch hour, I accidentally crash with Han while returning to the class after washing my hands. Shocked, we both stare at each other for a few seconds.

This is the first time I'm seeing her in this school and I'm sure it is the same case with her as well.

"Hyung , this is my elder sister, Han! She is in 12th." With expanded eyes, I look to my side at Hari in terror.
Oh god, how did I not notice that!?

"She is your classmate?" Han  questions with surprise. Hari giddily nods and clings to my side.

"Why are you calling him as 'hyung' then?" Han inquires further, seeming disputed.

"he is eighteen, so he is my 'hyung " Hari expresses with a shrug.

"Why is he still in school then!?" Han booms in confusion while I shift uncomfortably.

"Unfortunately, taehyung hyung has failed in his tenth-grade exams four times..." As realization sets in
Han's face at her small sister's confession, she gives me a mocking smirk.

Why does Hari have to say that to Han!? But I can see that Hari trusts her sister so much and doesn't have any other malicious intention behind her words.

Yet...Han  already always laughs at me for my poor knowledge of studies and now that she is aware of my past, she would surely try to degrade me.

"Your name should be fool instead of taehyung. It would suit you way too better," han
cracks up teasingly.

"Hyung! Don't be mean," Hari supports me but her sister is having too much fun, it seems.

"Wait, fool taehyung would be the right name for you. I will you call you the same from now onwards." She beams widely while I just walk away, mortified.

"Bye fool taehyung," I heed her behind me but I
don't retort nor do I glance back at her.

"Hyung,  I'm sorry on behalf of her! I thought she would be nice to you..." Hari follows me and blurts out in a genuinely worried tone.

"It's okay..." I soothe her, tossing a small smile her way

Once the school time ends, I make my way towards aunt's home with jimin. On our way, a few students who attend the same tuition as me provide me ambiguous peeks and belittling smiles...

Some even start to call me 'fool taehyung,'

But I dismiss them, understanding that it is Han who has spread the news of me being eighteen and failing the exams for four years continuously. What infuriates me more is she has even widespread the word fool taehyung . Luckily, jimin was too lost it chatting with me that jimin doesn't discern the things happening around us.

Due to the mockery of students, my mood was quite off when I arrive at the tuition. Yet beholding the collected and fresh face of jungkook sir, an unexplainable sensation washes over me. As a result, I had a small smile on my lips as I seat myself in the corner.

A few minutes later, when Sir exits the room, I hear to the word fool taehyung being murmured by the girls. I don't know who was saying it but as I search through the girls, half of them had a sardonic smile on their countenance.

My eyes begin to pool with tears at the ridicule. I despise such behavior to the core! Staring gloomily down at my English textbook, I watch as my tears plummet out of my eyes and dissolve onto the page of the book.

I wished my despair could diminish as the tears
that melts over the paper.

The humiliation continues and I proceed to wail, unable to withstand it. Afterward, when jungkook sir enters into the room and starts questioning, I don't answer.

Jungkook sir  looks disappointed at first but as he peers into my eyes, I know he has acknowledged my state. Thus, he doesn't reprimand or beat me. Instead, asked me to sit back down and learn.

And for the rest of the class, he doesn't bother questioning me, but I perceived his gaze on me oftentimes...

Subsequently, when the class terminates and all students evacuate the room, jungkook sir halts me.

"Taehyung" I turn around and come face to contact
with his chest. Alarmed, I take a step back and
keep my gaze on the floor.

"Why were you crying?" Jungkook sir asks in his calm voice.

"Nothing serious sir. I just felt inferior, compared to the other students." I didn't want to admit the truth to him. I'm not a kid anymore to freely complain about the teasing to him. And I also feel embarrassed to say it out.

"Did someone said anything hurtful to you?" I shake my head, negatively.

"You could share anything that bothers you
Taehyung..." I perk up at him, my chest feeling heavy at his intense gaze.

"Sir, it's nothing." I smile softly and I had a great urge to just hug him tight and sob. But I restrain
the idea...

"If you say so.." Jungkook sir sighs, and I excuse myself from him.

The condescending attitude of the students went overboard the next day. I was surprised at how fast the sweet students of my class changed into arrogant ones when they came to know about
my history...

It was too much for me to deal with.
When I first entered my class, the students chanted 'fool taehyung ' in chorus and laughed at me. I held myself together and didn't break down. But at every interval they get, the students attempted to harass me with words that stabbed me severely and tore my resistance.

Because of that, I attended classes after midday with bloodshot eyes. Jungkook sir recognized my state but he didn't enquire me anything in the

But I know jungkook sir  will, once we were at the tuition. Nevertheless, I'm not going to open this up to him, I can handle this, myself Or so I thought.

To be continue.....☆

FORBIDDEN DESIRE OF LOVE....☆ (TAEKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now