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Jungkook pov ,

The audacity of that little boy! he had me walking to my home just with a towel around my hips. Fortunately, as it was early dawn, not many people had the chance to gawk at me and Mom was also unaware of my deprivation of clothes. Even so, I couldn't suppress the vexation, formed solely cause of tae's unexpected move of seizing away my outfits. At least he spared my undergarments. Yet that doesn't excuse him for running away though!

with my clothes

When I first arrived in the pond to bathe, I had already taken a glimpse of his not-so-covered self. It wasn't very explicit. His inner skirt wasn't particularly transparent, however, one could easily make out the assets of his developed body. Which is why, I restricted myself from looking at him. But that boy couldn't understand the mere meaning behind my attitude and continued to pester me with his irrational words!

Taehyung spoiled my mood in the morning itself, and as a result, my day wasn't going too well.
I was unusually grumpy today and the students were terrified of even glancing my way. And the reason for this is taehyung and his crackhead behavior. The meager thought of him itself is stirring resentment within me.

Once school time was over, with the same unsettling demeanor, I freshened and prepared myself to start the tuition.

At sharp 5.30, half of the students have come by. But the other half was late by one minute and my crabby state of mind had me scolding them for the same.

Normally, I wouldn't have done that but this isn't one of my typical days.

By 5.35 pm, every student has appeared except you-know-who. For a second, I thought he might have felt guilty for his actions and wouldn't have the heart to meet me. But as soon as that speculation began sinking in my head, taehyung's curious voice piques me to look to the entrance of the class.

"Good evening sir!" My scorching gaze fixes on his unforgivingly.

"The tuition starts at 5.30 pm. You can't come here as you wish!" he pouts slightly.

"Sorry sir. We couldn't afford clocks and hence I couldn't refer to the time," That must be a lie. I derived it after he dramatically looks down with a dull expression.

The other students had commiserate look on their faces, not having the ability to see past his pretense.
I step closer to him and utter in a menacing tone, audible to only him.

"Is that why you stole my clothes? Since you can't afford money to buy them?" Taehyung frowns, angrily.

"Don't talk that way, sir!" We both stare at each other with extreme hatred in our eyes, that the simmering heat of it could burn anyone who nears us.

"If you even have an ounce of self-respect left in you, tomorrow, when you come to the tuition, you will bring my clothes. You should!"

A soft smile strokes his lips as he replies,

"Of course, why not, sir,!" And with the same glimmer prominent on his face, taehyung walks past me and sits in the corner.

"Do the grammar exercises past the first chapter
Taehyung! For each mistake, you will earn two beats," I blurt out, ill-tempered, but not quite meaning what I said.

Almost thirty minutes later, I follow
my usual routine of checking on the other batch of students and then again return to the room of female students.

I sat back on the now cleansed chair by me,
behind the desk, and summoned each student to pour what they have learned in the expired

Some stuttered and got hit while some efficiently told the answers.

At last, came taehyung who places his textbook on the desk and stands obediently beside me.

Although I am not very fond of him, I don't
certainly prefer exhibiting any partiality, even in the aspect of punishing him deliberately with
no valid mistakes from his side.

I could feel his anxious eyes on me as I examine his book. There were ten questions and he has done seven wrongly.

Looking intently at him, I speak up,

"You aren't very good with tenses, are you?" Taehyung nods his head.

"Get your rough book. I will teach you once
and you could ask me If you have any doubts. And then when you come here tomorrow, you should finish the exercises with the right answers. Also, I will give you more questions to test your knowledge with tenses, so you should be well-prepared, okay?" Taehyung bobs his head again, nonchalantly.

"But sir, what about two beats for each mistake?
Hm...then I should receive 7×2...it's 14, yes, fourteen beats!" I stare at him, interestingly.

"How curious were you to accept beats from
me," I say, wrapping my fingers around the stick, laying on the desk.

His eyes expand in surprise.

"I was just joking sir...I...I will get my rough book!" Tae dashes to his place while I shake my head at his conduct.

Throughout the next few minutes, I teach him about the tenses and he would just nod his head whenever I ask whether he understands it.
he seemed truthful.

And later that night, when the class ends, as
usual, I mark every student's attendance, the final one being taehyung......

Before taehyung exits the class, I call out to him.

"Don't forget about my clothes," with a smile on his
lips, he looks at me over his shoulder.

"I wouldn't sir," with that, taehyung swirls his eyes to the front and strolls away.

To be continue.....☆

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