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(A/N: Hey, Allie B here! This is the most limey one yet so beware. Also 300 reads! You guys are literally so amazing and if you like it please vote. <3)

"This is the stupidest thing I've ever had to deal with! I have the time for one more call, just let me get the number off my phone!" I yell at the policeman. At first I tried to play nice, I really did, but I snapped a while ago. I knew that I was innocent and now everyone in this police station thinks I'm some freaky stalker. Who sends a ransom note with a picture of their own face, whether my eyes are exed out or not, do these people think I'm that dumb?

"Fine I will give you your phone since the first person did not pick up but you must make the call with that phone." The policeman says as he points to the seriously outdated phone on the wall. I called Darryl first but the man didn't pick up. I didn't really expect him too but I was holding out hope. I could call Drista or George to help me but that would just lead to them causing a riot. My only real option was Zak since he was on the frequent guest list and could explain this all to the fake blond or as the police called her, "Miss Zoey". He was the only one with real evidence that could get me out. He was filming the video with Darryl but he may pick up. If he doesn't I'll have to call George because Drista and Nick don't need this stress right now. I would call my parents but they are states away so that would be a serious waste of my time. I had so little time left before they locked me up. Even if it was in a really clean cell with nobody else, I still didn't want to be in one!

I looked at his phone number that was on my phone, since who remembers anyone else's number nowadays, and typed it out on the number pad below the outdated technology. Once I was done the policeman instantly snatched my phone away but I didn't say anything. I was so full of anxiety that Zak wouldn't pick up. It felt like my heart was in my throat. The phone just kept ringing and I felt like I could cry.

"Hey Y/N! Do you need something? I'm in the middle of something important for your boyfriend. Bad told me not to pick up but when I said it was you he let me." Zak is speaking very quietly and I try to reign back my volume when I answer him. The main word here is try because I epically fail. I am so happy to hear his voice right now that I would bake him one thousand cakes if he wanted me to. I'm not going to tell him that though because he would most definitely take up the offer.

"Thank God you picked up Zak! I'm getting fucking arrested right now, they think I'm a stalker of Bad!" I say throwing the no cursing rule for myself out the window. What Darryl doesn't know what hurt him and I think getting arrested is a pretty good reason to curse.

"No shit! What station are you at?" Zak says much more loudly and I don't hear a voice yelling "Language!" He must have muted himself so Bad has no clue what we are talking about. He is probably so annoyed that I called Skeppy when I promised that I wouldn't bother them, if he only knew what I was going through right now. I see a tan police woman walking towards me and I know she is about to end my call.

"Listen, my time is up but you guys need to get me. I'm at the station nearest to Bad's place. You know I didn't do anything." I hear rustling on the other side of the phone as the police woman gets even closer.

"My jacket is already on. We will be there." I have no time to respond because right after he says that the woman takes the phone from my hand and hangs it back on the hook. I find it rude but she does think I'm a psycho criminal so I won't hold it against her.

"Cell. Now." She takes my forearm and starts marching down the pristine white hallway. It's very similar to that of a hospital. With all of the people who have held onto my arm with a death grip today, I will most likely have bruises all over my arms. I can already feel a new one forming.


The first person I see is Zak and I almost throw myself against the bars. Darryl quickly follows and meets me at the bars while Zak is going to try and clear everything up. Zoey left a while ago but I would kill to see the look on her caked up face. The person that she was hellbent on me stalking is now trying to hold me through the metal bars of this cell. It honestly wasn't that bad but the inconvenience of it all is astounding.

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