Finding Out

19 2 9

TW// Aggressive Behavior

What wakes me up is golden light flooding through the windows and not that awful alarm. I look up to my left and I see the boy of my dreams still asleep and he's holding me like a toddler would hold his sacred blanket. He is holding me tight and with a tenderness that most lovers can only dream of receiving. His tight arms around me don't feel like a vice but more like a blanket that is keeping me warm and safe. The golden light coming through gives him a halo and I thank the gods for finally giving this man what he deserves.

I glance around to see two empty popcorn bowls on the table in front of us. The mahogany floor and the part of the couch that our bodies don't reach is dominated by pillows and fluffy blankets. Memories of the movie and the pillow fort that we tried, and epically failed to build, starts flooding my mind. I don't feel the need to get up just yet so I slump my head back against his chest. His rhythmic heartbeat puts me to sleep once more.


I open my eyes and this time the sun is much brighter as it has now fully completed its rise into the sky unlike earlier when it was just barely on the horizon. The incessant barking is what has woken me up and I peer over the arm of the couch to see Bad desperately trying to make the small white animal be quiet. The treat bribes and pets aren't working at all and she continues to bark her tiny head off. I smell bacon cooking on the stove so I know that is what is driving her crazy.

"You can stop trying to negotiate with her, she wins, I'm up." I say while yawning as I get up from the beige couch. I scoop the cute little dog into my arms and she instantly stops barking. Bad looks at me in amazement and I realize I really like when he has that look on his face.

"That just isn't fair. And people say that dogs are loyal." He mutters the last part to himself but I hear it. To deepen the wound I stick my tongue out at him. He simply returns the gesture before taking the bacon off the stove and pulling muffins out of the oven. I put Lucy down, she didn't continue her barking, and I slid into a chair at the table. It is nice to see another person cooking for once. It's even nicer to see another person baking for once especially when they are attractive. I see the remnants of what held the muffin mix and a fun idea enters my head.

I feign mock enragement as I point at the muffins, "Are those Matha White?! It's like you've cheated on me." I slump deeper into the chair and put a fake pout on my face before he turns around. When I see his sly grin I almost want to give up the act and run into his arms. Yet, I stay strong and stay in the chair.

"Fine, then you can starve." He says easily before taking a huge bite of the blueberry muffin. The way he has bit it makes it look very appetizing. Even though I know it won't hold a candle to mine I really want to eat one now. I am starving. I make my way towards him and wrap my arms around his torso knowing that physical contact will have a pull on him.

"I take it back Darry, can I have some pretty please." I say childishly trying to take a bite of the one he is holding. He laughs gently and lets me. Even though it pains me to say it, it's pretty decent. As I take another bite he kisses me on the forehead and I look up at him in surprise.

"You're adorable." He says and I feel my heart light up like a lantern. I kiss his chest in response before continuing to eat his muffin.


"Skeppy, I need you to help Sapnap and Bad with the entertainment center. Nick, stop trying to pick it up with the TV on!" I yell at him, taking the TV down myself and immediately almost tumbling backwards. I really did not think about how heavy this thing would be. Thankfully, loyal George catches me.

I quickly put the TV on my floor as Drista yells at Nick for "being a dumbass". I think I heard Bad say "Language!" but my adrenaline is still pumping from almost falling with a huge TV in my arms. It's like a river is flooding my ears. I hear George when he speaks though because it is near impossible to not hear him.

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