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As soon as I slide into the booth across from him he unwraps one of his muffins. I notice it's the blueberry one and I smile, I learned that recipe from my grandmother.

"So a fan of the muffins?" I ask him as he takes a bite. It's obvious that he is especially if what Drista says is true but I want to know why. Sure it makes sense to grab a muffin every once in a while but every day? That is more than a little excessive, not to mention that he also gets them in the middle of the day. Muffins are more of a morning item than anything else.

He pauses his eating to look up at me with his eyes and he slowly smiles, "To be completely honest with you these are the best muffins I have ever had. I'm being completely genuine when I say that they are absolutely phenomenal." What he says makes my heart melt and now instead of a fun cupcake or cookie recipe being concocted in my head it's a fun muffin recipe. All from a man who I despised just a while earlier.

"Though I did have a cupcake about a week back and it was okay but the muffins are ten times better." He says after unwrapping the other one.

"Did you just call the cupcakes okay? Those are first place prize winners!" I say this loudly to him while I laugh. I would have never thought in one thousand years that someone would prefer my muffins over my cupcakes. It makes truly no sense to me. Before I can say anything else my stomach growls loudly and I realize that I have been so busy that I forgot to eat.

"So busy making food that you forgot to eat any?" Darryl questions. I nod my head in embarrassment and he adds to it by breaking off half of his muffin and sliding it over to me on a napkin.

"Oh no I couldn't possibly. I own this place I can just grab something from the display case." As I go to get up from the booth he grabs my hand and pulls it slightly down so that I am forced to sit back into the booth across from him.

With pink cheeks he says, "I seriously won't be able to finish it and it's a chocolate muffin so I can't give it to Rat." I cock an eyebrow after he says the word rat but I slowly pull the napkin with the muffin sitting on top of it towards me. Drista and George were right, he is so nice. It is so refreshing to have someone just be nice because they want to be. It makes me want to be more like him even if I barely know him. Before I respond to him I look behind me and see George staring at us. As I catch him staring he quickly looks away and starts cleaning something. I hold in a laugh.

"So do you have a pet rat or something?" I ask the man across from me as I pop a piece of chocolate chip muffin into my mouth. I can deal with someone having a gerbil or a hamster but a rat is where I cross the line. Not that I will ever be at his place to see it or anything.

He suddenly laughs and even though his voice is higher than one would expect his laugh is deep and rich. It's very attractive and I try to think of other things that I can say to make him laugh.

"No, I don't own a rat and I honestly don't think I ever will. It's my dog, her real name is Lucy but I call her Rat. Do you want to see her?"  Darryl says quickly obviously very excited about his dog. It makes me smile because I've always wanted a dog but with my living situation being so precarious it just isn't the right time. I quickly nod my head up and down as I eat the muffin. He smiles as he pulls out his phone. I look at his phone case as he scrolls through his photos and it has a black and red smiling demon with a person who has a blue block as a head. The demons attire reminds me of what he is wearing but before I can ask about it he flips the phone around to a picture of a dog.

"Awwwe she is so gorgeous. I'm jealous I want a dog so bad." I gush as he shows me the picture of the small white dog. That is exactly the type of a dog I would want for myself if I was in a stable place financially. She is small and sweet looking with Snow White looking fur. I instantly become jealous of him as I would do anything to get a dog like that.

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