A Date?

18 2 0

"Yes, yes, yes!" I cheer, dancing around my kitchen like a lunatic. I look down at the new BadBoyHalo muffins in pride as they are absolutely perfect. They taste amazing with the sweet but bitter dark chocolate. It doesn't even have the chance to be too bitter though because the fresh raspberries pack a punch of sweetness. On top of that, the cream cheese is heavenly sweet, cause it's the muffins halo, and it's perfect. I smile because it's perfect for Darryl. He is heavenly sweet as well.

The whole time I was cooking I had manhunts on in the background and decided to start from the very beginning. I realized quickly that Darryl wasn't in them and there was only one other hunter. The hunter reminds me a lot of one of my employees. I was going to turn them off and go straight to the ones that have Bad in them but decided to give it a shot as it may prove useful for when I watch the later ones. I don't know much about the hunter named George but I love his chemistry with Dream. The two of them remind me a lot about Skeppy and BadBoyHalo. Soon, I realize that deciding to stick with the beginning was a good decision since now I know more about Dream and how he likes to operate. If it is this enjoyable with just one hunter, it's hard to imagine how enjoyable it will be once Bad gets involved.

I package up the muffins to eat tomorrow since I would never sell something that isn't fresh. I hope Drista and George enjoy them as much as I do. Right after, I start to clean up the dishes and I am so happy that I can finally get them clean. They have been building up over the last few days and I have been too busy to even think about them. Another manhunt video starts and I listen to it in the background as I start to clean up the kitchen which desperately needs it. Every once in a while my mind will wander to Darryl and I have to force myself to refocus onto the video.


After a few disappointing videos of not seeing Darryl, even though they were entertaining in their own right, I decide to start my night time routine. As I am brushing my teeth my phone beeps. At the thought of it being Darryl I quickly rinse my mouth out and basically jump onto my phone.

Heyyyy! I am feeling so much better. My throat is all tore up but everything else is okay. I am coming in tomorrow and you can't stop me! You probably shouldn't have me talking tho.

I quickly realize that she won't be able to take the front but that's fine. She can bake some of the easier things and clean up as I work. That will make things leagues better than this morning. I feel a little dip in my heart though. I really wanted this text to be from Darryl.

No problem! Just having you at the bakery will make my life so much better. I'm just happy that you are feeling healthy.

Even though it isn't Darryl I am so glad that Drista is feeling better. She isn't just an employee but she is also an insanely close friend of mine. We really need to plan something after work together even though those nights leave me absolutely wiped. Another beep rips me out of my thoughts.

Goodnight babes! Sleep well ❤️

I send her a heart back as I cuddle up in my sheets. I notice that it is 7pm and it is nice to be in a clean apartment with extra time to spare before going to bed. Another beep comes off my phone. Ugh I must be getting popular. I expect the text to be a scam or something similar since Drista really has nothing else to say. My eyes light up the moment I see who it's from. I smile as I look at the new contact name I gave him. The heart may have been too much but I can't control how he makes me feel.

Muffin ❤️
Hey! How are the manhunts going? I need to know which one you started with.

I started from the very beginning. Like just him and George. I wanted to skip straight to you but then I realized it would make more sense if I watched them in their entirety.

With Icing on Top - (BadBoyHalo x Baker)Where stories live. Discover now