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"Darryl! You are such a chef!" I gush over his lamb while he chuckles at my compliment. We were having potatoes and french green beans with it. Everything was amazing and I couldn't help but be thoroughly impressed with his hidden skills. If only we could finish it off with my chocolate lava cake then it would be the best meal ever.

We had talked about my moving in at the beginning of dinner. If I really wanted to, what the rent would be, how we would split things up, etc. The rent would be $1500, which is split right in half. He wanted me to pay only one third, $1000, because he has taken over a majority of the rooms. He had taken up the biggest room, as well as another one of the bedrooms, while I had only taken up one of the rooms. I laughed it off and said that I was 100% taking over the kitchen so it needs to be halved. I may have laughed while I said it but I was very serious. That is why I was so genuine about wanting the rent to be halved between the two of us. I wasn't trying to be nice, I was trying to be fair. I was paying exactly what I was paying for rent now but the apartment was so much better than my current one so I was willing to do that. Even if it wasn't the most ideal situation since with a roommate you expect to pay less. Since utilities were being halved I would still be paying less than I was now so everything was mostly working in my favor. There was still one problem though. He lived too far for me to walk to work. There was the option of Ubering every morning but that was just too expensive so I decided to bring it up.

"You know Bad, everything here is perfect for me." I start out gently, hoping that he will understand my upcoming concern.

"I'm so glad you think so. I can tell something is wrong though, what is it?" He replies as he pours more red wine into our two glasses. I can tell by his tone that he hears the concern in my voice. We haven't been together for that long but he can most definitely read me like a book.

"You live too far away, how am I going to get to work every morning?" I ask quietly, realizing that there are no easy solutions. To my surprise, he actually smiles widely at my question.

"Well I'll teach you how to drive, you'll take the drivers test, and then we will get you a car. Until then you'll Uber and since I'm your boyfriend I can also help you out. I also don't mind driving you some mornings even if it's really early. I have a job that allows me to do that." He replies actually grinning ear to ear.

"I have a feeling that teaching you how to drive is going to be really fun." I almost laugh at the comment but I do an eye roll even if I wasn't actually annoyed that makes him laugh at me. I love making him laugh.

Instead of fighting him on it, I decided to actually think about it. Learning how to drive was needed now and since I had that job with Damien I could easily save up for a car. Albeit, not a new one, but I could save up for a car nonetheless. I don't like Bad paying for things like Ubers, but if he was offering to pay for something I desperately needed then who am I to say no? Whether I want to admit it or not, I desperately need this. For the first time, I actually agree to a plan that involves him paying for me.

"Okay, but when I am able to, I am paying you back for all the Ubers." I say quickly, bringing both of our empty plates to the sink and running the tap. As I grab a rag, I feel strong hands grab a hold of my waist and flip me around, suddenly my back is against the counter. I can't hear the tap running over my beating heart. I look up into his green eyes and my body floods with heat. The heat intensified as the hands stayed on my waist instead of moving instantly away like they have in the past.

"Hey, you don't live here yet. I'll do the dishes in the morning." He slowly removes his hands from my waist and uses them to take the rag from me and turn the sink off. I am still pressed up against the counter since his body is blocking me in. He had to lean forward to turn the sink off and because of that his mouth was very close to my throat. Suddenly, I feel his lips press softly against the side of my throat but before I can react he quickly moves them off. The second his lips disconnect from my skin I desperately want them back on it. A whimper escapes my mouth against my will but I quickly cover it up with a cough. When I look back up at him he has a playful look in his eyes.

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