The New Guy

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"Okay George, you can go. How does it feel to go home at that time you usually get here?" I ask untying his apron for him at the neck while he unties it at the back. He sends me a smile over his shoulder but I notice the little eye bags under his eyes that don't normally make an appearance. They did when he took his finals for statistics last month but the eyebags quickly went away after that class was over. I hate being the reason that they are back.

"I feel awful, I don't know how Drista gets here at 6am, I barely got here at 7:30." He says, hanging his messy apron on the hook. I'll have to take that home and do some laundry. George got here very early since I texted him the night before and I was extremely grateful. Closing up and having the last four hours of the whole store to myself wasn't the best situation but it would be okay.

"I'm hoping tomorrow will be normal. Someone needs to answer that sign." I sigh as I look towards the front door where the help wanted sign was hanging. Drista and George did it themselves and because of their creative skills, Drista's mostly, it was beautiful and really matched the vibe of "Baked Haven".

"They will, I'm sure of it. Now I'm out, see you tomorrow. Also give us another day off, I want to go clubbing with ya!" With that he is out the front door and I am standing at the front counter alone. While George was here I baked and cleaned the kitchen so it was just the front I had to worry about. Everyone at the moment seemed to be taken care of so I started wiping the black countertop in front of me. I must have zoned out because I don't stop until I see someone knocking on the counter.

"Oh sorry sir, what can I get for you?" I say looking up at the brunette in front of me, he has green eyes. He looks tall and strong and while his hair is definitely long it still doesn't even compare to Darryls. Instead of ordering something he actually puts his hand out and I go to shake. It's firm but doesn't hurt at all and leaves me heavily confused.

"My name is Clay and I'm here because I saw the sign out front. Is your boss still looking?" He says and he holds my eye contact. I like that and I also like how forward he is.

"I'm the boss and yes I am." I suddenly open the gate that separates the workers from the customers and he shoots me a surprised look. I just grin at him and he takes that as a sign to walk through the gate. He looks a little nervous and I'm kind of enjoying it, it's been so long since George and Drista were nervous around me.

"Do you know how to make a mocha, Clay? Because you're making one for me."


We spend the next few hours going over coffee and pastries. As customers walk in, I show him what to do and he also interacts with them. He is very personable and the customers laugh at his jokes. A few of the regulars get confused when he asks for their order but once I mouth the words "new guy" they just smile and say their order.

I walk him to the front at 4pm since I'm closing an hour early due to me being here since 3am. He stops by the front door and looks me in the eyes.

"So, how did I do?" He asks and his sincerity in the question is heartwarming. I could ask for his number and say that I'll call him back but I know I don't need anymore time to think about it. He did spectacularly, his coffee making is not good but he did well with everything else. Getting better at making coffee will improve over time and it's not like his mocha made me sick. It just tasted extremely off. The customers like him a lot though and since he will be working up front that is all that matters. I just hope Drista and George like him since they will be a team. I already really like him so I know that won't be a problem.

"You did great. When can you start?" I say and he smiles widely at my response. He must've really wanted this job because it's genuine joy that I see. I wonder why since this position isn't really coveted but a job is a job so I don't think about it too hard.

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