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"AHHH, quit!" I shout, thrusting the sword in front of me before I can get hit. The people surrounding us chuckle and the man in front of me grins. I take a couple steps backward but he just keeps moving forward with that strong body of his. His movements toward me are frightening and blood is rushing quickly to the top of my body. I take a look at Skeppy to try and regain some calm. He thankfully gives me a thumbs up and I feel so much better. It doesn't do anything to help me in my current state but it does make me feel a little more calm.

"I'm not going to hurt you! I'm just teaching you the basics." Dream says, easily hitting his wooden sword against mine. He hits too hard though and I end up buckling. My knees quickly give out and I curse myself for never working out even though I desperately needed to. I wouldn't be surprised if my muscle mass was close to zero. I fall backward but in a moment it feels like gravity has stopped working as something pushes against my upper back. I quickly see that a vine pushed up from the ground and against my back to keep me upward. I look over at the lovely brunette with vines growing on her arms. She shyly waves at me and I send her a dazzling smile. It filled me with hope that I could make new friends in this odd environment.

"Hannah, no help." Dream says calmly and Hannah rolls her eyes at him. I look toward Skeppy once more for a hint on what to do and he mouths the words "Hit him". I charge forward with fast footfalls and raise my sword in an aggressive manner. I raise it as high as I can and strike down against his chestplate. I gasp in surprise when he actually stumbles backward and I can't help but laugh in amazement at myself. Instead of being angry, as I expected he would be, he actually laughs. It's a lovely sound that I hadn't expected out of him.

"Finally a hit!" He cheers and the crowd cheers along with him. I give my wooden sword a twirl and bow towards the crowd in jest which makes them all laugh. I look towards Skeppy and he is actually blushing in my direction which makes me blush in turn. I scan the crowd for Bad and he is nowhere to be seen. It doesn't surprise me in the least, as he wasn't here earlier and was cold towards me during breakfast. He didn't like the fact that I was encroaching on him and Skeppy's lives. This much was certain.

Dream was calmer and actually much more jovial since I had moved in with Skeppy and Bad. It seemed that he liked to know where everyone was and what everyone was doing. He is rather controlling but when you do what he wants you to, he is rather pleasant. He invited me to spar and after seeing that I wasn't a threat when it came to battle I seemed to put him more at ease. The crowd had formed to see if I was any good and they quickly realized I was not but stayed for reasons that I didn't know. It's possible that they thought my fighting was funny. Even I thought it was a little funny.

"Okay so you're awful with a sword but do you know how to shoot a bow?" George asks from behind me as the crowd steadily disperses. They had gotten bored or realized that they had better to do than watching a girl who didn't know how to fight. The only one who stayed behind was Skeppy and he started to walk towards us. I was glad that he stayed because he was the only one that was truly consistent with his kindness. Bad was kind but he turned on me as soon as I moved in. I wasn't even mad because it was clear to see why he felt that way. He saw this diamond boy as his and I was taking him quickly away.

"I'm sure it can't be any harder than this." I sigh as the English man laughs and hands me a bow. Skeppy puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I feel much better. I may even feel a little bit more confident.

"Beep, Beep, Beep!" My alarm rang and I hit the clock as hard as I could before getting up for today. The fact that it wasn't broken was a true miracle.


"Okay we are talking right now." George says the moment he walks in through the back and I am relieved to see him. Today has been busy and even though we are making more money than ever, I was so tired. Especially since I was the one stuck with making all the coffees. I could trust Clay with a lot of things but coffee was not one of them. He kept a close eye on everything though and even checked in on me a couple of times. I found it a little strange but still sweet.

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