Jason Voorhees-Suspicious

850 22 0

Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Lifeguard!Reader

Warnings: None really. Kinda Stalker!Jason?

Word Count: 1,479

Summary: Jason becomes obsessed with you after seeing how you care for children, but when the camp is getting ready to close for Winter, your things suddenly start going missing, making it harder and harder for you to leave the campsite.

A/N: I've been thinking about writing for a Fem!Lifeguard!Reader, and I finally done it. Although Jason isn't really active in this, hopefully you get the point. Hope You Enjoy!


It was a sunny day out.

The sun was burning your skin, but you still stood there, watching over the children who jumped in the lake. You watched very carefully, making sure everyone was safe and okay.

The day was pretty normal, kids playing in the lake and others playing games they made with sticks and leaves.

The sun was soon down and kids were in their cabins. As you re-checked over outside, making sure no one was out there, you went into your cabin, changing into your PJ's, and slipped in bed. You thought about tomorrow, planning out what was gonna happen.

Your eyes soon began to close, but the sound of your door being banged on made you jump. You let out a small groan, getting up and opening the door, only to be met with one of the children.

"Hey, what are you doing out right no-" The child quickly cut you off, yelling loudly, "He's drowning! Sam's drowning!" Your eyes grew wide as you practically pushed the kid aside and ran out with your socks on.

As you looked around you saw a group of 3 other kids looking scared as the child, Sam, flailed his arms in the water.

You jumped into action, jumping into the now cold water and swimming to Sam's rescue. You quickly grabbed him and drug him back up to land. Sam heaved and took deep breaths as he couldn't believe he was still alive.

"Sam? Sam! Sam, are you okay?" You asked him, wiping the hair out his face. Sam slowly nodded his head. You could tell he was scared and didn't feel like talking.

"I need to check you out." You told the young boy, picking him up in your arms.

You paused, looking around at the kids who stood there. "And y'all need to go to bed! You better not leave the cabin tonight. I'm gonna have a long talk with your parents!" You scolded them, taking Sam to your cabin.

Unbeknownst to you, a tall male was watching behind the trees.

That's when Jason knew he liked you.


You had Sam wrapped in a towel, sitting on your bed while you used your medical tools to check over him. Sam hissed in slight pain as you squeezed his arm.

"Oh, calm down. Y'know you weren't supposed to be out there. Why were y'all even out there in the first place?" You asked him.

At first he was hesitant to tell you, but then he broke. "They dared me to jump in the water after dark, when no one was watching. I should've done it."

You had a frown on your face as you looked at him. "So why did you?" He shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to say. "I don't know? I guess I wanted them to see me as cool."

You tsked, shaking your head. "You don't gotta do things to be seen as 'cool' to anyone. If they were your real friends, they wouldn't have made you jump in that water."

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