Brahms Heelshire-Everything Wrong, But One Thing Right

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Pairing: Brahms Heelshire x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,145

Summary: When you get sick Brahms tries to take care of you, but it doesn't go as planned.

A/N: Just a short oneshot of Brahms taking care of you when your sick. Hope You Enjoy!


You woke up with a groan. Your head was pounding, your nose was stuffed, and your throat hurt like hell.

You rolled over, hitting the alarm clock on the nightstand. When you slug your feet over the edge, you begin feeling lightheaded. Instantly, you laid back, not wanting to pass out.

You then tried again, sitting up too fast, you slipped on a slipper that was on the floor. Your body hit the floor with a loud thud and a grunt coming from your mouth. "Ow!"

The door practically busted down when Brahms walked through, going to your side. He looked down at you, head tilted to the side. "I'm okay, I'm okay." You used the bed to help you up. "God, is it hot in here? I'm hot." You began fanning yourself with your hands.

That's when it clicked for Brahms. You were sick. He scooped you up in his hands and brought you to the bathroom. "Brahms? Brahms, what are you doing?" Brahms ignored your question, setting you on the counter.

"Bath." You shook your head. "No Brahms, it's okay. I can bathe myself." You got off the counter and went downstairs to the kitchen. Brahms still turned the water on, and went to go fish you.

You just entered the kitchen when Brahms grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder. "Brahms Heelshire, put me down right now!" Brahms smiled under his mask, waking up the steps back to your bathroom. He made it to the bathtub and without any thought he placed you in.

Your eyes grew wide as you felt the scalding hot water touch your body. "Brahms, what the fuck!" You quickly scrambled to get out of the tub, but Brahms only held you down. "Wash." He grabbed a loofah and soap and tried washing you.

"Brahms stop, let me out!" Brahms eventually stepped to the side, allowing you to escape. You crawled out, breathing heavily. You felt even more hot than before, but goosebumps were still on your body. "Are you trying to kill me?" Confusion crossed through Brahms mind.

He was only trying to give you a bath. "First, that water is way too hot for anyone to wash in and second, you're supposed to be naked when washing, not fully clothed!" You let out a sigh, standing up. "Get out and let me wash, then I'll cook breakfast."

Brahms walked out the room, watching as you closed the door. He could hear you muttering things under your breath. Just then, his stomach growled loudly, indicating he was hungry. A lightbulb was hovering over his head as he thought of another way to help you.

He was gonna make breakfast! He went to the kitchen and picked out pancake mix and eggs. He did the easy part, mixing the pancake mix, but when he got to actually cooking it, it was hectic.

First, he didn't put any oil in the pan, causing the batter to stick to the pan, when he flipped the pancakes they were barely cooked, and you could still see some of the powder on the outside. He moved onto the eggs, skipping the butter.

The eggs stuck to the pan, yellow and brown being shown. The smoke was heavy around the house, filling it until it was foggy. When you got out the shower and opened the door you smelled something burning.

Your eyes grew wide as you wrapped a towel around you and ran downstairs only to see Brahms cooking. "Brahms, what are you doing?!" You were quickly at his side, turning off the stove and taking the pan off the stove. Brahms stood there dumbfounded, wondering why you were yelling.

"What's wrong with you? Why would you cook eggs without butter?" Then the 'pancakes' on the plate caught your eye. "And look at this. Are these pancakes?" Brahms nodded his head. "But they're not even cooked all the way. A pancake shouldn't be this white, nor should you see powder on the outside!"

You pulled the pancake apart, revealing the white runny mix falling out. You almost gagged at the thought of someone eating it. Brahms reached his hand out and picked a piece off before eating it. "Ew don't eat that!" You slapped his hand multiple times, earning a whine from him.

"Look, just go sit down in the living room and don't do anything, but watch TV." You gave him a stern look as you finished the sentence. You went back upstairs with a sigh. How are you gonna get through the rest of the day?


By the time lunch passed by Brahms luckily didn't do anything, but a headache was starting to form. Your hands massaged your temple slowly as you closed your eyes. "Brahms, can you do me a favor?" Brahms perked up fast, giving you all his attention.

"Can you go to the bathroom, open the medicine cabinet, and hand me 2 Ibuprofen pills?" Brahms shot up off the couch, going upstairs. "It's a white bottle and has red pills!" You didn't know if Brahms heard you, but he was up there.

Brahms looked through the cabinet at all the pills. Did you say red bottle and green pills? Brahms wasn't so sure, but he picked up the Nyquil and grabbed two pills. He came rushing down the stairs with a smile on his face, finally he could do something right.

He held his hand out with the two pills. The pills made confusion cross over your face. You don't remember Ibuprofen pills looking like this. "Brahms, are you sure these are the Ibuprofen pills?" Brahms nodded his head eagerly, pushing his hand to your mouth.

"Let me go check." You traveled out the steps back to the bathroom and as you looked through the medicine cabinet, you realized what pills they were. "Really Brahms, Nyquil? Are you trying to make me go to sleep for days?" You grumbled, putting the pills back in its spot. You grabbed the Ibuprofen and popped two pills in your mouth.


It was now turning dark outside and sleep was taking over your body. You could feel yourself drooping on the couch, and the sound of the TV getting muffled. Brahms took notice and scooped you up in his arms.

He carried you bridal style upstairs to your bedroom. Your eyes opened just in time to see Brahms placing you gently on the bed and tucking you under the covers.

He was debating if he should give you a kiss, but he did anyways, leaning down and kissing you on your cheek.

He slowly walked to the door, not wanting to leave. "Brahms, come lay down with me." You didn't have to tell him twice. Brahms went to your bed, wrapping his arms around you, cuddling you into his chest.

He might've done everything wrong, but he did one thing right.

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