Stu Macher-Showing You

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Pairing: Stu Macher x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,222

Summary: Stu overhears people talking about the possibilities of his best friend, Billy liking you and after many thoughts about it he decides to ask you about this insecurity.

A/N: Don't be mad at for the end. Btw sorry for the trash summary. I didn't know how to word it. Hope You Enjoy!


"Damn, look at Y/n!"

Those words caught Stu's attention. The mention of his girlfriend's name made his head snap to the side. He followed the person's gaze, seeing you and Billy at a circular lunch table, talking and eating.

You laughed at something he said, throwing your head back and hitting his shoulder playfully. At first Stu thought they were talking about your clothing choice.

You wore a low cut shirt, your breast practically spilling out of it, but then he kept listening to the conversation. "I know Billy's trying so hard not to look down." A girl joked.

"Shit, I wouldn't. Isn't she dating Stu? If I was Billy and Stu wasn't around I would steal his girl." Sadness took over Stu after hearing that.

He looked once more at his best friend and lover seeing Billy look deep in your eyes. A look so familiar that he's seen Billy look at Sidney with.

With a frown on his face, Stu walked back to the locker's, seeing his group of friends talking. Randy noticed him and greeted him. "Oh, what's up Stu! Why the long face?" Randy asked, all attention going to the sad Stu.

"Can y'all be honest with me? Do you think Billy likes Y/n?" His friend's face scrunched in confusion. Why would Billy like you? You're dating his best friend, almost brother.

"Y/n? Liking Billy? No way, man! She's totally in love with you!" Tatum said, earning nods of agreement from the group.

"Really? Cause I heard some people saying Billy likes her and the way he was looking at her says otherwise." Now that made everyone stop and think about it.

Recently they've been noticing Billy's puppy look staring at you, laughing at your terrible jokes. It was like he was with Sidney all over again.

"Well-" Stu quickly cut Randy off. "Well?! Well what?!" His scared voice rang around the halls. The group saw how worried Stu looked and couldn't help, but feel bad and decided not to put anything in his head.

"Look, don't talk to us about this. Talk to Y/n. I'm sure she'll tell you everything if you just ask." Stu closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

They were right.

Maybe this was just a misunderstanding and he was looking too deep into things. Maybe you and Billy are just really good friends. He is the reason you and Stu met, and soon began dating.

He kept telling himself all the 'maybe answers' in hope of not thinking the worst until he got his true answer.


After school you and Stu walked home together, hand in hand, talking about your day. "Oh yeah and Mrs. Applebottoms called me out today during history class. I was so pissed, I wanted to strangle her right there!" You ranted to Stu.

Usually he would rant as well, but tonight he's been silent. You looked over at him seeing him looking lost, just staring ahead of him.


Stu snapped out his little trance, looking at you with a smile. "Yeah? I'm okay!" He said, knowing you would ask what's wrong with him.

You two walked in silence for the next 3 minutes before you reached your house. Stu let go of your hand, ready to give you a kiss and hug and part ways, but you asked him a question.

"Wanna stay with me tonight? My Mom and Dad aren't home, away for their anniversary." A smirk came to Stu's face as he nodded his head. "That means scary movie marathon!" You let out an annoyed huff, rolling your eyes, but that only made Stu smile because he knew you loved it.

You two went inside and up to your bedroom, changing into something comfy before going downstairs and getting a movie ready. "You choose the movie, I'll pop the popcorn." You said going to the kitchen.

While you got the snacks ready Stu flipped through movies, trying to choose a good one even though he's most likely seen every one.

He ended up choosing one and that's how you good yourselves eating popcorn while your back against Stu's chest.

It was a comfortable silence as you two watched the movie. Surprisingly, Stu found one that you both hadn't seen so it made the experience even better.

When a funny part of the movie came on you and Stu began laughing, making you throw your head back against his shoulder and wipe a tear away from your eye.

"Oh boy, Billy would love to see that!"

And there it was.

You just ruined the moment for Stu. Why did you have to mention his best friend's name while you two were doing something he loved?

For a good portion of the movie he was quiet, deep in thought of everything.

Maybe the random people who were talking about you and Billy during lunch were right.

Maybe his own group of friends were right.

Maybe Billy liked you, maybe you liked Billy, he didn't know, but what he wanted to know was if you truly loved him like you said you do.

You realized Stu was real quiet and when you looked up at him you noticed his face was still. He was staring off into space, thinking about something.

"Stu? You okay?" You asked him, snapping him out of his trance. Now that he had your attention he decided to ask you the question that's been on his mind all day.

"Do you like Billy?" Your face twisted up in confusion. Where was this coming from? Just so out of the blue he asks you this?

You quickly reach for the remote control on the coffee table and paused the movie. "What? Why would I like Billy when I'm with you?" You asked him, turning around to fully face him.

Stu avoided your eyes, looking down at his lap. "I've heard people talking about the two of you. They were saying how sweetly Billy looks at you and how they don't know how Billy hasn't jumped on you yet, and it's got me thinking just maybe-"

Stu didn't get to finish his sentence because you cut him off at— "Maybe?! Why maybe? Why are you even thinking like that? Don't listen to 'people,' they're just idiots who want to instigate things between a group of friends." You practically yelled, feeling anger take over you.

Of course people were gonna gossip, but the fact that it has Stu questioning your relationship is what's making you mad.

"Okay, yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, I've just been thinking about what they said and seeing you and Billy so close just..." Stu stopped talking when he realized he was rambling on air.

You gently cupped his cheeks with both of your hands, pulling him in for a soft kiss. "Stu, baby, I love you. Not Billy, not Randy, nobody else, but you. Please don't let things people say get to you."

Stu nodded his head, trying to pull you in for another kiss, but you pulled back, slithering down in between his legs.

He looked down at you with wide eyes, seeing you spread his legs apart and reach for the ties of his sweatpants. "Y-Y/n, what are you doing?" He muttered, pink lighting up his face.

"Showing you how much I love you."

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