Vincent Sinclair-Wax Dress

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Pairing: Vincent Sinclair x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,196

Summary: Vincent has been secretive about going in the basement, but what do you see when you go down there?

A/N: I've been thinking about this for a while, so here I am! Hope You Enjoy!


For the past 1 week Vincent has been secretive. He's been making sure you don't come down to the basement and waking up extra early in the morning. It's almost like he's hiding something and you're willing to find out what it is.

Prior Week

It was a normal day in the Sinclair household. You are washing dishes for the upcoming dinner. Lester playing video games in the living room and screaming in pain from downstairs.

At this point you 're used to it. You finished your dish and began making a sandwich for the brothers after their hard work. You plated the food and went into the living room where Lester was.

"Hey Lest, I made you lunch." He paused his game and began stuffing his face. "Thank you!" You laughed, shaking your head and moved onto the next.

You walked through the garage door and saw the legs of Bo from under a car. "Bo, I got you lunch." Bo tried sitting up, somehow forgetting that he's under a car. A loud bang was heard following a groan.

You gasped, putting the plates down and going to his aid. "Bo are you okay?" Bo grunted, rolling out and rubbing his head. "Yeah, what do you want?" You grabbed the plate and handed it to him. "Lunch." He nodded his head which you took as a 'thank you.' And went to the last.

They do say save the best for last. You stood at the top of the stairs, sighing because you knew he wouldn't let you in. "Vinny, baby! I made lunch!" You could only hear the noise of shuffling and things being moved around.

Soon the door opened showing Vincent blocking your way of seeing. "I made you lunch." Vinny gave you a kiss on the cheek and went back down." You sighed, shaking your head before going back to the kitchen. You didn't know why he was acting like this,  you were gonna find out soon because you had a plan.

The plan was to cook a nice yummy dinner, but add a little secret ingredient. You were gonna put a crushed up Nyquil  in his food and since he goes to bed early (to get up and go back and work) you could go down and see what's there.

You smirked at yourself, praising you in your mind. 'Damn Y/n, why are you so smart!' You began taking out pots and pan and getting the ingredients out for the food.
You ended up cooking Spaghetti, but now it was your time. It's time for your plan  to come together. "Boys, dinners ready!" You took out the bottle of Nyquill and took out two pills.

You grabbed a nearby knife and before you could crush them someone's footsteps were loud against the tile floor. "What's that?!" Lester's  loud voice in your ear scared you, making you drop both whole pills in the food. "Shit! Lester!"

Lester backed up, smiling while taking his plate and running off. You didn't have enough time to fix it when Bo and Vincent came in. Without knowing, you gave Bo the Nyquil plate and Vincent the normal one. You took your own and walked upstairs to the bedroom with Vincent.

He took his mask off and began eating. You tried to make it on, but you were watching him eat. After every bite you would look up at him and see the same face expression. He even caught you a few times, but you just told him it was nothing.

You both finished and you 'laid down for a nap' while Vincent was ready to sleep. It was 3:46, but that's how Vincent is. Going to sleep early so he can work all night. You and Vincent laid in bed together, 'sleeping' well at least one of you.

You waited a couple of minutes to where you could hear the light snores coming from Vincent beside you. He never snored, so maybe it's the Nyquill working. You carefully snuck out his hold and walked in the living room.

You let out a breath you didn't know that you were hiding. You thought for a moment. You needed a look out person and it definitely won't be Lester. You walked to Bo's room and knocked on his door. "Bo."

You didn't get any response,  making you confused. "Bo?" You repeated, opening the door. He was face planted, asleep on his bed making you confused. He never goes to sleep, especially when he has a car to work in.

You shrugged your shoulders and went to the fun part.

The basement!

You opened the door and silently went down the stairs, making sure not to hit the ones that cream and reached the bottom. You looked around seeing a mess of everything. Wax spilled on the table and floor, human body parts laid out, and sandwiches.

The sandwiches that you've been making him for the last week! You noted yourself to yell at him after you looked around. Your feet took you around the large basement, looking at many things. It was until you got to a specific piece. It was covered with a sheet making you curious.

Why was this the only piece covered? Curiosity got the best of you and next thing you knew, you were pulling the sheet off. It revealed a beautiful purple dress that looked real, but you've seen the church to know it's not.

You gasped, hands running down the hardened wax. It was beautiful. The way it felt was smooth, almost as if it was for a person. Hell, it looked like you could fit it. You were too caught up in the dress that you didn't realize the loud footsteps of someone coming from the stairs.

All of a sudden, hands grabbed you back, throwing the cloth back on it. You gasped, finally turning around and seeing Vincent standing there. He was wide awake, but how?

"V-Vinny, baby, what are you doing up?" It then hit you. Bo is asleep when he never sleeps earlier, and Vincent is up. You must've given them the wrong plates. Damn you Lester!

Vincent shook his head, getting the nearby notepad and pencil off the desk. You watched as he wrote 'I couldn't find you, but it's a shame I know where to look.' You gave a small chuckle, nervous to what he has to say.

"It's so pretty, who is it for?" You asked, referring to someone in the town, but what he did shocked you. He pointed at you. "Me?" Confusion was in your voice as you watched Vincent nod his head. "W-why?" You could see the slight blush on Vincent's face as he wrote down something.

'For our wedding." You teared up at that sentence. You instantly engulfed your big man in a hug. "Awe Vinny, I love you so much!" Vincent hugged you back smiling. You both pulled back, while looking at the dress.

"It's cute and all, but how am I supposed to wear it if it's a wax dress?"

Vincent shrugged his shoulders, but it didn't matter. You'll both figure it out when you get to that stage.

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