Chapter 23: Lady Nagant (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Previously Of The Backrooms.

Deku: "SHIRAGAKI!!!!!!!!!!!!" He said in anger

He sees Shiragaki

Shiragaki: "FUCK!!!!!!"

Deku: "*charges his one for all* I'll stop you right here and now!" He said when he goes towards Shiragaki like mad motherfucker.

Shiragaki: "Ah shit!" He was prepares to dodge and out of nowhere gunshot hit down on the ground.

(Y/N): "OI! YOU TWO! Stop!" He shout out to the two of them and make them were turn their heads to look over there and they saw (Y/N) who was stood right there by himself and make him was got his sniper rifle with him and he was aiming his weapon at those enemies down there. Then (Y/N) will kill them anything moves to be stupid and he wasn't going to hurt them because they are kids and (Y/N) doesn't want to kill them and (Y/N) turn his head to look at these motherfuckers down there.

(Y/N): "Anybody fucking move!" He said to them.

(Y/N): "I'll pop every motherfuckers of your brains out!" He said to them and make them were stood right there and silent for themselves and they both are stood there and nod their heads also some of them couldn't listen because they want to fight...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Y/N): "I'll pop every motherfuckers of your brains out!" He said to them and make them were stood right there and silent for themselves and they both are stood there and nod their heads also some of them couldn't listen because they want to fight and (Y/N) aim his weapon at those enemies again and he said.

(Y/N): "Now, everyone...Calm the fuck need to fight each others please." He said to them and make them were stand down by themselves and they both just stood right there and then they definitely calm down and (Y/N) said.

(Y/N): "Okay, that's good...Look if you guys are heroes right? But we don't have a time to waste fight each others right now...we need to leave before those freaking things out there tries to kill us back there. Look, if you want to know what happened here or what is going on?!? Medic will explaining to you all! We don't hurt you because we want to get out of this place!" He said to them and they were taken surprise for what (Y/N) tell them and they thinking (Y/N) is right but he speak the truth.

(Y/N): "SO! What are your suggestion?!" He asked them and then they both nod their heads and make (Y/N) sigh out little bit and he told them to thanks and make (Y/N) tell them to get going right now because they are going out. Then (Y/N) with his teammates are going out to somewhere and they both were heading back to the secret base right away where Medic was there and (Y/N) with the teammates doing their best there and it is pretty good...but the question is...where's Reznov.

Time Skip Later.

In Medic's Base.

(Y/N): "I thought you say that Reznov was there...Aiden Reznov." He said to him.

The Backrooms (Anime Harem X Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora