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Amidst the fragile tranquility of the hospital room, a sudden burst of thunder shattered the stillness, jolting me from my thoughts. The deafening roar echoed through the walls, accompanied by a blinding flash of lightning that illuminated the darkened sky.

As the nurse rushed to my side, concern etched across her face, I couldn't shake the sense of unease that gripped me. The thunder, so powerful and unexpected, left me stunned and bewildered.

"I'm fine," I reassured her, masking my inner turmoil with a forced smile. But the nurse's response betrayed a similar sense of astonishment. Together, we listened to the distant cries of fear mingled with the sounds of chaos outside.

Peering through the window, the nurse's voice trembled as she pointed out the distant glow of flames, a stark reminder of the havoc wreaked by the thunderstorm. The realization dawned on me that somewhere, amidst the fury of nature, lives were being torn apart, homes consumed by the merciless blaze.

The distant wail of sirens pierced the night air, signaling the arrival of emergency responders rushing to aid those in need. But instead of offering solace, their presence only heightened my sense of fear and vulnerability.

In the wake of the storm's fury, a lingering sense of apprehension settled over me, a stark reminder of the unpredictable and often cruel nature of the world outside these hospital walls.

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