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In the dimly lit room, a group of individuals, both men and women dressed in black, quietly entered. The air was heavy with tension as each of them concealed weapons beneath their attire. Among them was a figure who exuded authority – the boss.

As the group infiltrated, the women approached me, recognizing the pain and despair in my eyes. Their faces, cold as ice, belied the emotions within. A sudden eruption of violence unfolded as they fiercely battled those who had kidnapped me. My energy drained, I could only watch as the women dressed me in fresh clothes, and the male bodyguards carefully carried me to a waiting van.

In the hushed confines of the vehicle, the women offered me water and urged me to rest. Exhausted from the real-life nightmare, I closed my eyes, unsure whether minutes or hours passed. When I opened them again, a doctor stood beside me, his reassuring smile breaking through the shadows.

"How are you feeling?" he inquired with genuine concern. As I shared my terror, he explained that recovery would take time and suggested therapy to help overcome the trauma. Seated on the bed, I absorbed his words, reassured by the knowledge that my injuries weren't severe.

As the doctor left, his path intersected with the guarded man, whom I assumed to be the boss. After a brief exchange, they shook hands, and the boss approached, taking a seat beside me. The room held a heavy silence as he began to speak, weaving a narrative that would gradually unfold the complexities of the situation and the intentions of those who had come to my rescue.

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