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In the aftermath of the harrowing ordeal, the boss of the group, a formidable figure within the mafia, took a moment to explain the situation. With a calm demeanor, he assured me of my safety within their organization, which had established itself as a formidable force aimed at combating the horrors of rape.

As he spoke, I couldn't shake the fear that gripped me, the memories of the nightmare still fresh in my mind. The boss revealed that their group, with a reach comparable to that of a small country, had made it their mission to rescue victims of rape and provide them with sanctuary.

Despite his assurances, I couldn't silence the inner turmoil that consumed me. The trauma of the assault lingered, casting a shadow over my once safe and happy life. In the depths of my despair, I found solace in the hope that others like me would find refuge within the organization.

As the boss bid me farewell, the weight of my fear and anger remained. I couldn't help but wish for a different outcome, for a chance to evade the clutches of the perpetrator, to reclaim the sense of security that had been shattered by his vile actions.

In the quiet of my thoughts, a fervent desire took root a longing for justice, for the perpetrators of such heinous crimes to face the ultimate consequence. As a girl whose innocence had been stolen, I yearned for a world whe inflict such pa ose who dared to 1 others would be held accountable for their actions.

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