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'Coming!' Rahul shouted as he sprung up from chair to open up the door.

What huge problem what happened now. My mind started racing 100/km per hr.

Suddenly the door open and Naina enter in the room. She was panting like she sprinted all the way here.

'Hey Deb!! the... the flowers... problem...manager...' She managed to speak between her gasps.

'Take a breather, Usain bolt.' Rahul tried to give her the water. 'What's the rush?' Rahul asked as Naina refuse the water.

'The flower manager has a problem.' Naina said.

'What? See, I told you Deb, not to hire those people.' Rahul said, his face instantly changing expressions. 'Anyway, what seems to be the problem?' Rahul questioned Naina.

'Why don't you come and see it for yourself.' She said.
'Ok. Let's go. Deb, you coming?' He asked me.

'Obviously.' I said, finally stepping away from the mirror.

'You look quite nice, soon to be husband.' Naina said, glaring at me.

'Thank you! Finally, someone noticed. Instead of sulking at their own problems.' I took a slight jab at Rahul.

'What did I do?' Rahul raised his eyebrows. I ignored Rahul's rhetorical question.

'Did you inform Ayesha about this?' I asked as we stepped out of the room to walk towards the hall.
'Nope. I can't handle her so came to you directly.' Naina said. 'Its better if you talk to her.' she continued.

'Nah, let it be. She will be worried for no reason. Let's take care of the flower situation and then I'll go see her.' I said as we picked up the pace.

This wedding is going out of hand. Damn. I don't want to worry her.

'Wait, you can't meet Ayesha though.' Rahul said having a slight smirk.
'What? Why?' I asked, visibly confused.

'Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before marriage.' Rahul said.
Naina and Rahul both started chuckling. I, on the other hand didn't find the comment remotely amusing.

'Also, she will be in her wedding gown, now.' Naina winked at Rahul, causing both of them to bust out laughing.

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