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Jin: so how did she died?

Mrs. Cha: when soobin and eunwoo was 6 months old they all went to shopping complex to buy groceries and spending some family time as Mr. Kim took off on that day but little they all know that this is going to be the worst nightmare someone ever imagined some of Mr. Kim's enemies make allies with each other to kill his family and they got to know that kim family is in shopping complex so they set bombs in the building without carrying about any innocent life In the mall they just attacked on Mr. Kim and his family due to sudden attack and gun shot voices there was a panic In mall everyone was trying to save their and their family's lives Mr. Kim hide Mrs. Kim and his children to a save place in mall and call his men and on other hand Mrs. Kim also contacted royal agents for urgent help and ofcouse I front of biggest mafia team and royal agents who was going to survive but when they were about to win with enemies bombs planted In mall started exploding


Mrs. Kim: the hell there were bombs how can we forget about that

Man: whether you kill us or not you are gonna die here man have a nice trip to hell he said laughing like a psycho for which he got shot In his head by Mr. Kim

Mr. Kim: we don't have time for his nonsense just go from here now I am going to rescue others

Mrs. Kim: and children?

Mr. Kim: this is the least you can do now go and save children please don't expect this from me now

Mrs. Kim: but it's your duty to save your children first you are their dad

Mr. Kim: for fuck sake Mrs. Kim not now just go right now before Mrs. Kim say anything he left the place leaving a crying Mrs. Kim alone

Mrs. kim: I hope I had listen to bhaiya and Bhabhi at that time they were right you never prioritize us over your business and you never will but no worries I will not let a single scratch on my children I am agent queen for nothing I can save my children alone saying this she harshly wipe her tears and run in direction where her children was

She took sana in her arms and settle Soobin and eunwoo in their pram and left that place to exit the mall after coming from the save place many voices of bomb explosion can be heard making sana hug her mother tightly and Soobin and eunwoo to cry loudly

Sana: are we going to die mom? Where is dad? Is he safe? She asked with her teary innocent eyes making mrs. kim's heart break into million of pieces

Mrs. kim: yes my love he is safe he is your super hero na so he is saving others hm..... she said while wiping her tears

Sana: then what about us mom we will not survive? Dad will not save us?

Mrs. kim: no love no my baby mom is here right sana nodded mom will not let anything happen to you don't worry we will not die your mom is strong right sana nodded and mrs. kim kissed her forehead

Saying this she made her way towards exit and she saw her husband saving other peoples by risking his life although she was happy and proud of her husband sacrificing his family always and giving priority to other innocent lives but her one part of heart was selfish and always wants her husband to save them first she was thinking deeply and she didn't realise that another bomb blast and a ceiling was about to fall on her but on time mr. kim pull her with a jerk making her grip loosen on pram of her children and a ceiling seprating mr. kim, mrs. kim and sana from two twins

Mrs. kim: my babies she was about to go there but mr. kim stopped her by holding her free wrist tightly are you mad leave me my babies please leave me I want them

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