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Sana: what in the freaking world is happening here she asked to a girl who was fighting with jisoo the girl was about to push jisoo but sana held her hand what do you think you are doing miss?

Girl: who are you? And how dare you to stop me she asked furiously

Sana: oh really you don't know me okay then call hospital administrator right now he will tell you who I am

girl: look miss who ever are you sir don't have free time to meet with people like you

Sana: you are going to regret this miss she said and dialed a number in her phone and the person picked in 2 rings I want you here on reception in a minute right now she said coldly more like threatening and the person arrived panting like he ran a marathon for his life

Administrator: what happened mam? What makes you come here at this time he asked bowing to her

Sana: first off all fire this girl she don't know how to talk to others she said pointing towards the receptionist

girl: by which right you are giving orders of firing me she said angrily and received a slap in return from Administrator

Administrator: don't you know how to talk with the owner of the hospital and now the girl was shivering in fear because there were numerous rumors of the owner being cold and merciless and that she don't forgive any mistakes

Girl: i-I a-am- she got cut by sana raising her hand to stop her from speaking further

Sana: what happened jisoo why are you standing here?

Jisoo: she said that this is a criminal case so we should call police first and fill the form and after that only if police will allow the treatment will start sana scoffed on this and slapped the receptionist again

Sana: are you a human or a machine can't you see the condition of the patient but still form filling and filing case is important hm..... get lost and don't show me your face and nurse take them to OT I am coming nurse nodded and put lisa and jennie on stretcher and leaded them to OT while sana went to her cabin to change her cloth and removed her mask clearly showing her face which didn't go unnoticed by jisoo and rose when she care out of her cabin


Bts reached kim mansion and the guards bowed to them and jin gave the keys of limo to guards to park it in parking lot they were going inside the house but spotted two men in front of house gate hesitating to press the door bell

Jungkook: who are they? Are they our enemy he said and brought his gun from waist band

Jungkook: who are they? Are they our enemy he said and brought his gun from waist band

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