Series Epilogue

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“Two sons, Sweetness! Maybe the third will be a girl. I’ve got you, baby. You can do this. Push.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Annalise’s piercing scream echoes through the room, her voice filled with frustration and determination. As she huffs, her chest rises and falls, inhaling a rush of air. Gripping the bed rails tightly, she bares down with intense pressure as she pushes, her body strained with every effort. Her face, beet red from exertion. “I’m never letting you touch me after this!”

I’m more in love with her now than I ever have been. Even after all the hard work she has put in to giving birth to our pups, she’s more gorgeous than ever.

Annalise’s mother anxiously waits below, her hands ready to embrace the newborn. Lorna, Zarah, and Zena, each experiencing the intense pain of labor, join her. The room is abuzz with activity, as mothers-to-be and their mates await their bundles of joy. Cadance and the dedicated nurses move swiftly, their footsteps echoing on the polished floor, attending to each baby with gentle care. The room is alive with the sounds of whispered encouragement, cries of pain, and the screams of newborns. 

It was as if the night we marked each other, the light of the full moon had bathed us in its ethereal glow. Each coupling brought forth pregnancies that night. And this day, six months later, all the women are giving birth side by side.

The transformation into an ancient wolf shifter was a profound experience, yet it seemed to affect me much less compared to Xena and Zarah. Perhaps it was because I had been there for Annalise, guiding her through the tumultuous aftermath of her first shift. I had witnessed the pain and confusion that consumed her, and my presence had eased her journey.

But this time, with the collective support of the ancient shifters, Zarah and Xena emerged from their transformation with a newfound strength and grace. They navigated the challenges with unwavering determination, their spirits soaring amidst the trials they faced. Together, we had conquered the test of becoming ancient wolf shifters, emerging victorious and united.

With each determined push and Annalise’s colorful obscenities ringing in my ears, the room fills with the sweet symphony of our third baby’s arrival. As I witness this precious moment, Celestia’s joyful grin lights up the room, and she winks at me. Her gaze then shifts to Annalise, who is breathless with anticipation. “You’ve brought a healthy baby girl into the world, my dear,” Celestia announces. “I can already sense her feisty spirit, ready to wrap both Xillon and her brothers around her little finger.” Her laughter fills the room as she reaches out to accept the surgical scissors from a nurse. “Xillon, would you like to cut the cord this time? Don’t worry, you won’t harm her. I promise.”

“Alright. I’ll give it a go this time. Third time’s a charm, and I promise not to chicken out this time.”

Celestia cradles the newborn in her arms, as I snip the umbilical cord. As I lift my gaze to meet my sweet baby girl’s face, a rush of overwhelming emotions floods my senses. Her deep blue eyes, mirroring her mother’s, sparkle with innocence, while her soft, dark hair tickles my fingertips. A sense of serenity mixed with the delicate fragrance of newborn skin emits the space. My heart melts as I glance over at Annalise. “What do you think about naming her Xavienna Celestia after both of our mothers? Would that be alright with you, babe?”

Annalise smiles. “That sounds like a beautiful name. Hand her over to the nurse so we can see her here in a minute.” 

I do as she asks, then walk over to wipe the sweat from her beet-red face and place a light kiss on her forehead. “I can’t wait to have more babies with you.”

Annalise chuckles and shakes her head. “I hope it’s just one next time. Being pregnant with triplets was rough. But I’m thankful for all that I have.”


Our pack has flourished immensely over the past five decades, expanding to a size that is nothing short of remarkable. Xillon and I, proud parents, have welcomed fourteen beautiful children into our lives. Among them, nine energetic boys and five delightful girls. We raised one set of triplets and four sets of twins, which filled our journey with surprises. The remaining little ones arrived one by one, each pregnancy accompanied by a period of solace and reflection.

Zarah and Dante had fifteen children - seven energetic boys and eight playful girls. Even after their children had grown and mated, then grandchildren and great grandchildren came onto the scene.

In Xena and Declan’s lively abode, the pitter-patter of twelve children graced their homestead. Eight boisterous boys and four adorable girls added a vibrant energy to their atmosphere. They have also enjoyed being blessed with several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The home of Finley and Lorna was a whirlwind of activity as their fifteen children, eight boys and seven girls, filled every corner with their antics in the beginning. Their youthful energy had always created a spirited environment over the years. And as with the rest of us, that noise has never ended, with the countless grandchildren and great grandchildren coming on the scene.

The sweet sounds of laughter and the gentle hum of fourteen children filled Jarek and Calissa’s home. The numbers were reversed, with five boys and nine girls, creating a harmonious blend of excitement and giggles over the years. They, like the rest of us, have welcomed many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

It comes as no surprise to anyone that Zane and Crystalyn had the most children out of all of us mated couples. With twenty kids. The years passed swiftly as their kids grew, eventually finding their mates within our extended families. It’s astonishing how the puzzle pieces fit together, ensuring that each child found a companion. Now, as our own children experience the joys of parenthood and becoming grandparents themselves, the air becomes filled with the sweet scent of newborns, their cries blending harmoniously with the laughter of our growing brood. It may seem overwhelming, but in this beautifully orchestrated chaos, everything falls perfectly into place, just as it should.

During turmoil, my biological mother, accompanied by her mate and the pack she once belonged to, merged with the Blood Moon Howler Pack. Xillon and I had been mates for a solid five years when this union took place. It happened at the most opportune time as the war, which my father and uncle deemed inevitable, erupted, engulfing us in chaos for an entire year. We experienced the loss of lives along the way, and the air thickened with fear and determination. Our pack, however, emerged undefeated, bearing the fewest casualties. That year, all of us females took respite from pregnancy, enabling us to fight alongside our mates. However, since then, no further wars have ravaged our land. A tranquil calm has settled upon us, fostering peaceful relations with all the North American packs.

On our vast, interconnected landmass, we have crafted multiple grand mansions to accommodate our extensive families, a spectacle that astounds the eye. The bustling pack of my biological mother demanded such a feat, their numbers rivaling our own. Remarkably, we have eradicated the need to venture into the city, for we have constructed an array of establishments - stores, malls, and colossal schools that echo with youthful laughter. Since the humans came to our bustling city, our pack’s wealth has become vast. They don’t bat an eye with the knowledge of knowing who and what we are. Freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air as we stroll through these bustling complexes, admiring our achievements. We have even built an airport to make our journeys to Scotland, where our overseas kin reside, easier. Liberating hours spent behind the wheel to get to the city is a pure bliss.

Life in the Blood Moon Howler pack has been extraordinary. The ethereal glow of the moon goddess and God’s blessings has always enveloped us, casting a serene ambiance over our existence. They have blessed our pack beyond measure. Tranquility always fills the air as we all go hunting for food to sustain us through the week, with distant howls echoing through the nights. Our lands are abundant with vegetation that also sustains us. Every member finds solace within our harmonious pack, united in our collective efforts to preserve the pristine beauty of our land. This idyllic existence is one I wouldn’t trade for anything else.

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