Chapter 15 - (Quince)

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As Quince completed his duties at the stables, memories of Alonso's unexpected assignment a few days prior flooded his mind. "You've been doing well with your new speed," Alonso had said then, "but it seems I have given you some extra tasks to take on." Quince's thoughts were already elsewhere, stuck on his conversation with Master Oswin almost a fortnight ago.

"I just don't get it," Quince thought to himself, his mind racing like a stormy sea. "How does he just vanish into thin air? I had talked to nearly everyone in the castle, and yet there was no sign of him - it's as if he never left." As he stood there, lost in thought, the familiar scenery around him began to blur together, leaving Quince feeling a bit isolated.

"Well I'm off to join the crowd to hear the king speak, apparently it's good news of sorts!" said Marcellus, another stable boy, as he strode off with a big grin ear to ear. "What good news could they have? Half the people beyond the walls are starving at least that's what that old hag Gertrude squawks on about." Spit out bitterly, but Marcellus was too far off or too excited to hear him. "No one believes me when I tell 'em".

As the sun dipped low above the castle walls, Quince finished laying straw in the final stable for the day. He quickly donned his cloak as the air began to chill with autumn drawing to a close. Throwing his hood over his head, he made his way to the courtyard. The dusty and torn tail of his cloak flapped in the wind as he walked briskly, then broke into a sprint as he drew near the castle gates. From this vantage point, he could see the courtyard bustling with activity. Knights and servants alike gathered, awaiting the king's words.

A shiver ran down Quince's spine as he merged with the crowd, his gaze sweeping the sea of faces for any familiar features. The Propheta stood atop the royal balcony, his golden robes aglow in the sunlight, imbuing him with an otherworldly aura as he surveyed the gathering. His voice boomed out across the courtyard, a solemn bell tolling forth: "Hear me, good subjects of the celestial Kingdom..."

The Propheta's words hung in the air, and the crowd slowly fell silent. Quince looked around, wondering what was causing such excitement. "Like sheep bleating they clap." he thought to himself bitterly.

Once more, the Propheta continued "In the name of the Most Illustrious King Valentius the first of his name, we summon you all here today to hear the words from our beloved King. Chosen by the Celestial Father to guide our kingdom with wisdom and justice only second to the Father himself. He who sits upon the Celestial Throne that was crafted and once occupied by the Father." He paused, his eyes scanning the crowd with an air of solemn reverence, before continuing.

"Father, Nurturer, and caretaker, he is the very embodiment of the holy Father himself, in whose presence we find solace and peace, just as the faithful seek out his love. Behold the Most Illustrious King Valentius, the First of His Name, Conqueror, King, and Keeper of the Realm!"

The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, their enthusiasm echoing through the courtyard like a tidal wave that crashed against the castle walls. Quince could barely hear his own thoughts as the sound seemed to almost make his ears explode.

As the Propheta finished speaking, King Valentius stepped out onto the balcony, his golden crown glinting in the late afternoon sunlight. He was clad in a golden armor from his neck to his toes, as if ready to charge into battle.

"I thank you and the Father beyond thanks you, my loyal subjects, and beloved sons and daughters of the Holy Celestial Father," King Valentius boomed out in his strong, resonant voice, the words echoing and reverberating through the courtyard like a joyful drumbeat. His face, as always, remained a mask of unyielding onyx, yet beneath it, a hint of warmth and gratitude seemed to flicker.

The crowd erupted into applause once more, their enthusiasm seemingly boundless. Quince's gaze swept the sea of faces, his eyes searching for any sign of Nym. But there was none - just a blur of familiar features and anxious expressions. His thoughts turned dark: "He's probably dead by now... you know he is dead, just like the priest." The grim thought sent a shiver down his spine as he stared fixedly at the ankles of those in front of him, trying to tune out the king's words.

"Gone just like Nym..." He couldn't help but think, a pang of unease settling in as he recalled the mysterious disappearance. People vanished without explanation, leaving behind only questions and uncertainty. A flash of memories from that fateful night crossed his mind: His words to Nym echoing in his thoughts - "People leave, it's what they do. And if they don't leave, they die. Either way, you always end up alone, so might as well get used to it." The words seemed to haunt him now, as he wondered if Nym had truly disappeared or if he had left intentionally.

"This joyous occasion I speak of is not of Princess Violenta's return, but rather of word that has come to us from her victorious campaign against the frozen wasteland and its demon-blooded inhabitants!" King Valentius declared, his voice booming like a drumbeat through the courtyard. "She has retrieved some of their most precious treasures and defeated their leaders, and we are told she will be back with us on the morrow, bringing tales of her conquests and spoils to share with us all!"

Like a thunderclap in response to the flash of lightning of the king's words, the crowd again erupted into applause, deafening Quince with their cheers. Quince looked around at them in disdain, resenting their enthusiasm for such a triumph. "The only ones here are the ones who aren't hungry," he remarked.

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