Chapter 23 - Mothers & Maidens

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The sky stretched out in a vast expanse of grey, a colour deeper and more pervasive than any she had ever seen. "The skies at home were always blue, so blue..." she murmured, her voice soft against the quiet backdrop of the heavens. She glanced around, feeling suspended in a sea of grey, unsure of whether she was swimming or floating.

Then, realization struck. "No... I'm flying," she thought, a sense of wonder creeping into her consciousness. "Yes, I'm flying... so high above the sky and the clouds that I cannot see the ground." The exhilaration of flight swept through her, carrying her further into the boundless grey expanse.

"Yes, I can feel the wind now beneath my arms," she thought, glancing down at her outstretched limbs. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that where her arms once were, there now resided two giant, red-feathered wings. Horror-struck, she stared at them, a mix of fear and awe flooding her senses.

Then, suddenly, the sea came crashing up at her like a cliffside of water. The next thing she knew, she awoke on a sandy shore beneath a blue sky. The world around her was peaceful, the sound of gentle waves lapping at the shore filling her ears. As she sat up, the memories of her flight lingered, surreal and dream-like.

"Was that a dream?" she thought as she rolled onto her back, staring up at the beautiful blue sky. Sitting up, she could see it... the veil. A dismal wall of grey a few leagues across the water from where she sat. "It goes on for leagues..." she thought, mesmerized by the sheer expanse of the barrier. "It must surround the entire continent," she wondered in awe.

Returning to reality, Gwenitha was flooded with a sense of dread, thoughts of what had happened to Llewellyn and Pederna racing through her mind. "Did Pederna die?" she wondered, unable to recall. "The last thing I remember before Llewellyn died was hearing Morwenna's voice..." Another realization struck her, "Where did the rest of the scouts go?" Panic set in. "Where were the rendezvous points again?" she thought frantically. "Morwenna and the others must be informed about what has happened." Determined, she rose, adjusting her clothes, which were wet and sopping. "They will dry soon enough," she told herself as she pressed on.

"The path will remain hidden behind the veil for at least a fortnight," she reflected, her gaze drifting to the stormy sky. "Only the full faces of the tri-moon can illuminate the way." She thought bitterly.

She began to wander along the coast, following the veil. From what was visible, it seemed like a large river ran parallel to the misty edge of the veil. Hours passed by slowly, her legs growing weary, and her clothes still soaked. "It seems to go on forever," she thought as she surveyed the area. "I should probably make camp, make a fire, and get dried off before nightfall."

She continued her solitary trek along the rugged coast, the rhythmic crash of the waves against the cliffs a soothing backdrop to her thoughts. In the distance, a yawning cave beckoned. "This will do," she murmured, envisioning the warmth of a crackling fire once she had it roaring to life.

She set about gathering firewood, her hands deftly selecting pieces from a mix of fallen branches and weathered driftwood scattered along the shore. Venturing inside the cave, her eyes adjusted to the dimness, revealing a small alcove near the cave's entrance. Here, the rocky ceiling provided a protective canopy, while shafts of light pierced the darkness.

She quickly had the fire crackling and warming the air around her, the sun was setting on the horizon and casting a golden glow over the landscape. Gwenitha wasted no time, undressing and hanging up her clothes and leathers nearby to dry. The comforting warmth penetrated her body, easing the chill. Soon enough, her clothes dried off, and she relished the feeling of the warm clothing against her goose-prickled skin.

As Gwenitha drifted off to sleep, she was lulled by the peaceful lapping of the waves, the warmth of the fire, and the burning relief in her tired legs. With a contented sigh, she let herself sink into the embrace of sleep, her mind finally quieting as she surrendered to the soothing rhythm of the night.

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