Chapter 11 - Companions & Moonlight

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Gwenitha awoke to the crisp, pre-dawn air surrounding her. The glade was bathed in a soft, ethereal light, with mist enveloping the forest floor. She could hear the gentle rustle of leaves in the trees and the distant call of a night bird, the only sounds breaking the stillness of the early morning.

She rose from her bed of soft grass, the dew dampening her feet as she stepped onto the earth. The air was cool against her skin, invigorating her senses. She knew she had to make haste if she was to reach her destination before nightfall.

Gwenitha gathered her belongings, checking each item carefully to ensure she had everything she would need for the road ahead. She loaded Friota with provisions and supplies, securing them tightly to the saddle. As she worked, the silence of the glade was broken by a soft voice that seemed to materialize out of the misty air.

"Gwenitha, where are you going so early?" asked her brother, Prydwen, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm leaving to join the scouts before everyone wakes up," Gwenitha replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she quietly packed her belongings.

"But why? You didn't even say goodbye to Mother and Father," Prydwen protested, now fully awake and concerned.

Gwenitha paused, her movements slowing. She lowered her gaze, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I know, but... but staying would only prolong the inevitable," she said, her voice cracking with emotion. "Father... he carries the weight of the clan on his shoulders. And Mother... she tries to be strong for us, but I've heard her crying late at night when she thinks everyone is asleep."

Prydwen's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "But Gwenitha... they will be ever sad on the morrow. Even Father, I know he will, even though he doesn't show it. At least that's what Mother says."

Gwenitha nodded. "Take care, Prydwen. You're going to be all grown soon, and you must be ready to be a warrior and stalwart protector of the Leafsong clan."

"I will, Gwen," he said, his voice filled with a determination that belied his tender age. His eyes, wide and earnest, met hers with unwavering resolve.

"Thank you, Prydwen," she said, her voice soft but filled with gratitude. "I know you will." With a final embrace, Gwenitha left, the sun just beginning to rise, leaving behind her family and the life she once knew.

As she approached, she saw a tall and slender elf standing under a vast stone archway coated in a deep green moss, with vines sprawling all over the structure. As she drew nearer, Gwenitha's heart quickened with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The figure standing by the edge of the clearing turned at the sound of her voice, and she recognized the familiar outline of Llewellyn. She quickened her pace, calling out to him, "Llewellyn!"

He looked up, his face breaking into a warm smile as he removed his hood, revealing a tumble of dark red hair and a weather-beaten but kind expression. Gwenitha felt a wave of relief wash over her at the sight of him.

"Ra vo ar Vamm ganit," he greeted her in the old tongue, the words soft but filled with meaning.

"Ra vo ar Vamm ganit," she repeated back to him, the words feeling foreign but somehow comforting on her tongue.

"Ah, you must be Gwenitha, Althair's daughter, I have not seen you since you were but a podling!" Llewellyn said, his voice gentle and familiar.

"It is an honor to serve by your side, Llewellyn, I was glad to hear you would be leading the aerial unit," Gwenitha said bowing her head respectfully. "My father speaks highly of you."

"Aye kind words you have my dear, last I saw you I swear your older brother and your cousins dared you to eat mud and by the elf mother you did it!" he said bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

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