Chapter 10 - (TBD)

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As Quince finished mucking out the last stall in the royal stables, the sweet scent of fresh straw filled his nostrils. The morning's hard work had left him feeling worn but content, the rhythmic clinking of horseshoes and gentle whinnies of the horses a soothing background hum. Yet, despite the peaceful atmosphere, Quince's mind lingered on the unsettling image of the priest's lifeless face, the head of the bloody arrow still lodged in his mouth. It was quite satisfying to bask in the fruits of his labours, he thought, as he surveyed the clean and tidy stalls with a sense of pride. "Ah, there we go, fresh and tidy," he said aloud, the words echoing off the wooden beams of the stables.

Lately, Alonso had been easing up on Quince, much to his relief and growing sense of pride. With each passing day, Quince felt more liberated from the constant scrutiny and criticism that had typically defined his work. He was completing tasks so quickly now that he barely needed any guidance, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by the other stable boys. In fact, Quince's efficiency had become a reference point for them, inspiring a sense of camaraderie among the group.

Alonso, seemingly pleased with Quince's newfound efficiency, had grown increasingly distant, his focus shifting to the batch of new boys that arrived to serve in the Kings stables. As he began teaching them the intricacies of horse grooming and care. "Alonso will beat them eventually; they will see how he his. That Toad faced..."

"Ahem" Alonso interrupted Quince's mumblings.

"Apologies, Alons—er Sir." Quince said sheepishly.

"You almost done Lad?"

"Just about sir."

"Good then...carry on." Alsonso said gruffly as he stormed off to his next victim.

On top of the gruesome daydreaming that had haunted him since morning, Quince couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The image of the arrow spitting out of the priest's mouth in a spray of scarlet replayed in his mind like a twisted tapestry, taunting him with every thought. And yet, despite the overwhelming dread, another concern clawed at the edges of his awareness: Nym's disappearance. It had been almost a fortnight since Quince had seen his friend, and the longer he waited, the more his imagination spun out worst-case scenarios. "Where could he possibly be?" Quince muttered to himself.

Later that evening, after that night's supper, Quince sat in the servants' dining hall, where the smell of roasting meats and freshly baked bread wafted through the air. The warmth and light of the hall enveloped him, a welcome respite from the chill outside. But as he finished his meal, Quince donned his cloak and stepped out into the corridors, the sudden cold air hitting him like a slap in the face. The torches cast flickering shadows on the stone walls as he walked, their soft glow punctuated by the occasional creak of the ancient wooden beams.

When he arrived at Master Oswin's chambers, Quince knocked softly on the door, the sound echoing through the silence. He hesitated for a moment before the older man's voice called out from within, "Enter." Quince pushed open the door and stepped inside, his eyes adjusting to the warm light that filled the room. The air was thick with the scent of old books and parchment, and the fire crackled softly in the hearth. Master Oswin sat behind a large oak desk, his eyes peering over the rim of a pair of spectacles as Quince entered. "What is the meaning of this sudden visit?" he growled, his voice like a stern father's rebuke. "You should be asleep hours ago, not disturbing my studies with your frivolous errands."

Master Oswin's tone was calm and curious, but Quince sensed a hint of accusation beneath the surface. He shifted uncomfortably under the older man's piercing gaze, which seemed to bore into his very soul like two sharp daggers. His hands trembled slightly as he weighed the risks of speaking out against the potential consequences of keeping silent. The air was thick with tension as Quince hesitated, his voice sounding shaky when he finally spoke.

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