A group of trappers found one of the monkeys so we are supposed to help retrieve it so the cure can be made as quickly as possible. But Silvester stays back so he can quickly run the tests.

The rest of us take a helicopter and after a few hours we arrive. I frown as we fly over because there are large amounts of trees missing. Apparently loggers have been illegally cutting down the trees.

We set up the tables and equipment for the tests so that when the monkey arrives we can run them.

The men that are supposed to have the monkey arrive quickly. One of them has been shot but thankfully the bullet was not very deep so I was able to quickly remove it before disinfecting the wound and patching it up. "I suppose it is good that I came along." I say as I clean my hands of blood. The others here just nod and we realize that the monkey is gone so we have to go find one ourselves.

I walk slightly into the trees until I find a monkey, not of the type we need, and ask him if he has seen one. "Well, I think I saw a monkey like that near a water source."

"Can you show me and my friends?"

"Of course but I want something in return."


"I want some fruit."

"Alright." I say as a pull a mango out of nowhere. I hand it to him and he gets on my shoulder. "Come on, let us go find a monkey." I say to the other team members while they are panicking about how we will find and catch a monkey. They look at me and then look at the monkey on my shoulder.

"How?" Walter asks.

"I just asked him for help. Now come along time is wasting." I say as I walk off with pointing me in the direction of the one we are looking for.

It does not take long for us to find the monkey and take it back to camp. Then we get the DNA sample and transfer the data to one of the computers at the garage so Silvester can run the tests. The tests come back negative for the cure meaning there is something else. Likely something that only this type eats or interacts with. I ask the monkey and he says that it might be a type of flower or a type of fruit.

I quickly head into the forest and find both and when I get back I notice that the boy that is with us is sick with the virus. We quickly scan in both of the plants and the results come back saying that the fruit has the cure so we synthesize a cure for the boy and wait to see if it works. While waiting we make cures for ourselves as well because most likely we have already been exposed.

Thankfully the cure works and we send out the DNA sequence so it can be replicated in a lab and dispersed into the affected areas.

When I get home I see Aelynn, Gabe and Loki asleep on the couch snuggled together. I place a blanket over them and head to get dinner started. However when I get to the kitchen I get a call from shield. They need me for a mission. I gather my stuff and change my appearance to the proper on before heading to the meeting point.

I arrive at the apartment that my dad stays at when he has a lot of missions back to back. It is much closer to sheild headquarters. Fury is the only one there and we quickly communicate through sign language. Apparently shield has been compromised by Hydra. I get on my laptop and remove just a few files as it would look strange if a lot of them were suddenly removed.

Fury then hands me a flashdrive before telling me to leave and meet up with my dad at a later time. I nod and travel back home.

It only takes a few hours before I get a call from my dad asking for me to meet him without Aelynn. I agree of course and make sure that I look as non threatening as possible. Which is not very hard when you look like a child. I also make sure that I am fully armed but in a way that is undetectable.

I meet him at a mall and Nat is there as well. We walk around for a little bit before the two of them take the flashdrive into the technology store and looked at what was on it.

They come out and tell me that they couldn't read the file but they got the location that it came from. They also said that it had a tracker so they know that the flashdrive was dead here. We then leave the location and go to a store for children's clothing.

They walk right past us and we wait for a few moments before heading out of the building and heading to the location that the information came from.

It turns out to be the camp that my dad was trained in. They went in while I stayed in the car in case someone comes along.

I see a missile heading towards the base but after it hits I can tell that both of them are okay so I simply wait for them to return.

After they return we head to one of my dad's friend's houses. He lets us stay with him and I make sure to inform Gabe that he will probably have to watch Aelynn for a few days.

While I am doing that Nat and my dad figure out who is doing all of this in shield. Sam, my dad's friend, says he will kidnap the scientist involved if we get his equipment so I quickly travel into the shadows of the area where it is kept and flip off the cameras before taking the  equipment back to the house.

When I get back he leaves and I wipe his records from shield as well. It does not take long for him get the man on the roof of a nearby building where we were waiting. I put up a barrier that stops technology, that is not magic proof, from working inside.

Dad and Nat do a good cop, bad cop routine and actually end up throwing him if the roof where Sam catches him and brings him back up. Eventually the man gives up what they were doing. They set up a program that detects possible threats to Hydra. Everyone here seems disturbed by the thought but I simply start to laugh at the amount of times he said I would be killed.

"What?!" The man says in anger.

"Oh, I just think that it is funny that I was on your little list multiple times." He looks at me in slight horror and I just smile at him. We then drag him into the car with us and head towards the shield headquarters.

We are about halfway there when something hits the roof and I can feel that it is a person. A hand reaches in and grabs the man but I grab the hand and pull the person in before tying him up in the creature rope. When he is struggling on the floor of the car I notice that it is Bucky. He has clearly been mind controlled by Hydra so I use what I learned about their mind controlled to release him.

I manage to figure out his code words by looking in his mind and then command him to be released from Hydra control. He lays on the ground completely still for a few moments before looking around confused. "Who are all of you? Who am I?" He says. I realize that they likely erased his memory so I go into his mind and sweep them to the front of his mind.

He looks around in realization before calming down. I untie him and he sits up. There are no extra seats so he has to stay on the ground. "Bucky? What happened?" Dad asks.

"When I fell off the train they took me out of the water and started to run experiments on me. They then erased my memories of the past and forced me to kill people when they didn't have me in a chamber of ice."

"So you have been on ice as well." I say with and nod of understanding.

The rest of the drive is filled with catching up between the two of them and soon we arrive at the shield headquarters. I go in with the scientist and we get down to the level with the plane that we need to destroy. I easily take care of it and then we leave.

We drop the scientist off on the side of the road and then head home.

As Old as time, second partNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ