Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Philips (March 19, 2022)

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"I can't believe today's your wedding day" Taylor says. I look over, "I can't either. I'm marrying the man of my dreams who's also the father of my girls". Angie starts curling my hair. Naomi comes in and Larissa goes to her, "Hi Mimi". "Hi sweetie. You look so much like your mom" Naomi says. Jaxsyn giggles. "Both of you girls look like your mom" Naomi smiles.

 "Both of you girls look like your mom" Naomi smiles

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Angie fixes my hair like this. I look in the mirror, "Oh my, I love it. Thanks Ang". "You're welcome, Eri" Angie says. "You look so beautiful, baby girl" Naomi says. "Thanks mom" I smile. "You're welcome" Naomi tells me. Angie starts doing my makeup.

Amber comes in, "I just wanted to drop off my wedding present since I can't stay". "Everything ok, Amber?" Naomi asks. Amber sets her gift down, "Not really. I had to quit at the law firm because my husband got transferred to a different location and we have to move". "Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that" Maddie says. "Thanks Maddie. I wish I could stay, but I have to go pack" Amber says before leaving.

Angie does my makeup like this and adds a light pink shade of lipstick on my lips

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Angie does my makeup like this and adds a light pink shade of lipstick on my lips. Lillian looks at me, "My son is lucky to be with you and I can't believe you're about to be my daughter-in-law". "Thank you, Mrs. Philips. I couldn't have asked for a better mother-in-law" I smile. "You're welcome, Eri" Lillian says.

Larissa and Jaxsyn playing with their dolls. Holly looks at Angie, "Auntie looks pretty, mommy". "That she does, baby girl. She still has to get her dress on, then it'll be time for pictures before her and Alex get married" Angie says. I look at my dress, "I really love the dress I picked out". "The color of it really does fit your uniqueness, since you've always said you didn't want to wear the traditional white dress" Naomi says.

"You ok, buddy?" Trevor asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just can't believe it's my wedding day" Alex says. Dylan comes in, "What's with dad?" "He's just a bit nervous about marrying my sister" Justin says. "Dad, I've seen how you've been with Erica the last 2 years and I know she's twice my age but you both got past the age difference and have built a life together that includes my little sisters. I doubt you would've proposed if you didn't love her" Dylan says.

 I doubt you would've proposed if you didn't love her" Dylan says

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