Goodbye David Johnson

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*March 13th*

*March 13th*

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I come out in this and with my hair and makeup like this, "Do I look ok?" "Yeah, you look beautiful as always

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I come out in this and with my hair and makeup like this, "Do I look ok?" "Yeah, you look beautiful as always. I know that this is gonna be a tough day for you and your family, but you can always lean on me" Alex says. "Thank you, babe. You've been great the past 2 weeks" I kiss Alex. Alex kisses back, "Anytime, baby girl". "I am not looking forward to today or tomorrow" I tell him. "Just lean on me as much as you want. I'm here for you no matter what" Alex smiles, then leaves with me.

"You look so beautiful, Eri" Olive says. "Thanks aunt Olive. Oh, this is my boyfriend Alex" I say. Olive shakes Alex's hand, "Nice to finally meet you, Alex". "Nice to meet you, too" Alex says shaking Olive's hand. "How's your mom holding up?" Lionel asks. "She's putting on a brave face, but I know she's hurting on the inside. She and my dad have been married for a very long time" I tell him. Alex goes to the bathroom. "Where'd Alex go?" Taylor asks. "He had to go to the bathroom" I say. "Oh ok, I was a little worried he had left" Taylor says. "I know I haven't had the best of luck when it came to dating, but Alex is different from my exes. You saw how he was with me at the hospital" I tell her.

Alex comes back out after washing his hands and sees Maxine, "Max, is that really you?" "Yeah, it is. You look great" Maxine says as her eyes widen. "I had no clue you were related to my girlfriend and her family" Alex says. "Who's your girlfriend?" Maxine asks. "I'm his girlfriend, Max" I say going over to Alex. Maxine looks over at me, "I never would've guessed that you'd date someone so much older than you". "Alex is a great guy and I don't mind the age difference. I love him and my mom, Justin, Maddie, and Taylor are ok with me being dating him and are looking forward to meeting the newest member of our family in a few months" I tell her.

"Congrats Erica. I'm happy for you" Maxine says. I lean against Alex, "Thank you. I can't wait to see this little one". "Let's go over to your mom" Alex says. "Ok, I think we should" I say taking Alex's hand and go to the other room with him. "Have you seen your brother?" Naomi asks. "Yeah, he's talking to uncle Lionel in the back room" I tell her. Ansel touches Maxine's arm, "You look like you just saw a ghost". "You could say that. Erica's boyfriend is someone I was in the Air Force with" Maxine says. Ansel looks over at me and Alex, "Wasn't he in the same squadron as you?" "Yes, he was. It's crazy that someone I met several years ago is the same person our cousin is now dating and having a baby with" Maxine says.

"Hi Erica" Isaiah says. "Hi Isaiah. Thanks for coming" I say. Isaiah hugs me, "You're welcome". I hug back. "I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Johnson" Isaiah says. "Thank you, Isaiah. I appreciate you coming" Naomi says. "You're welcome, ma'am. I'll do anything for this family and I gave Erica the week off because I know today and tomorrow are already hard enough for all of you, so I didn't wanna make it any harder for Erica" Isaiah says.

Alex lightly rubs my back, "She's very grateful for you, Amber, and Richard. I've been keeping her distracted this week by letting her help me out with the apartments since Trevor was out all week and just got back today, so he's handling things at work while I came here with Erica". "She's a great lawyer and I'd be a bad boss if I didn't give her or any of the other employees the time off they need" Isaiah says. "Even for maternity leave?" I ask. "Expectant mothers get 12 weeks for maternity leave" Isaiah says. "That's good to know. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and could use the time off" I smile.

"Congratulations Erica. You're gonna be a great mom" Isaiah says. "Thank you. I have a great support system and a wonderful man in my life who's looking forward to becoming a father again" I tell him. Isaiah looks at Alex, "Where's your son, anyways?" "He's more than likely in the back room since that's where the food is" Alex says. "He's a growing boy, so it's expected" Isaiah says.

"Yeah, I know. 13 years old and already 5'7", which is crazy to think about" Alex says. "He must get that from you because I've seen Kristy and she's shorter than me" I joke. "With or without heels?" Alex winks. I shake my head, "How have I put up with you for 3 months already?" "Just got lucky I guess" Alex smirks. "It's nice that you can make her smile, even during this hard time" Justin says. "I'm happy to help. I love your sister so much" Alex says. "She never got that with her exes. It's a nice change from them and the guy who worked with Trevor before you" Justin says. "Let's not talk about Sam here" I exclaim.

"Trevor already told me what happened with him" Alex tells me. I sigh, "I had a feeling that he had". Lionel kisses Naomi's cheek, "I'm here for you and the kids if you need me. I know my brother would do the same thing if Olive lost me". "Thanks Lionel. I miss David so much" Naomi says. "He sure will be missed by all of us. I love my older brother and he was a great role model for me growing up" Lionel says. Angie comes in and hugs me, "I'm so sorry for your loss, Eri. I know that I didn't know your dad that well, but I've heard a lot of great things about him from you and Trevor". "Thank you, Angie. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he's actually gone and that I won't get to hear him tell me about his day and how proud he is of me" I hug back.

*Later that night*

Alex lightly rubs my cheek with his thumb, "How you holding up, darlin'?" "The best I can, sweetheart" I say. "Just let me know if I can help with anything" Alex says. "You just being here for me today and tomorrow is more than I could ever ask for" I smile.

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