Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Walking over to my full-length mirror, I can’t help but admire my reflection. The soft, warm glow of the room illuminates every detail. I can hear the faint sound of my footsteps on the hardwood floor as I approach. The scent of fresh lavender from the nearby vase fills the air, adding a calming ambiance to the room. As I stand before the mirror, I feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The dress, carefully chosen by Calissa, fit perfectly, covering my lady parts and stressing my curves. My long, dark chestnut hair cascades down my back, providing a sense of comfort and security. I can’t help but question my decision-making in choosing this dress. Deep down, I know I wanted a wedding dress that would make a statement. But everyone was against it. So I went with what almost all she-wolves were at their mating ceremony. Next to nothing. Yeah, my dad’s going to freak out for sure.

My dress, if you want to call it that, is a stunning cutout, Criss Cross sleeveless dress. The silky-stretchy material gracefully hugs my curves, making me feel both alluring and at ease. Each step I take, the fringe hem sways playfully and adds a touch of whimsy. The vibrant cornflower-blue color beautifully complements the natural hue of my lighter sky-blue eyes. As I wear it, I feel like a vision, exuding confidence and elegance.

It’s amusing to see Zariah and Lorna meticulously perfecting their makeup, while Xena and I opt for a more minimal approach. I can’t help but wonder, what’s the point? Our transformation into wolves is imminent, and all that effort will be in vain. Who cares, anyway? If anyone does, they can simply seek the tallest cliff and take a leap. I’ve been eagerly awaiting my marking and mating for over a year now. It’s frustrating, to say the least. That’s all I have to say!

After receiving another mind link from my mom, urging us to hurry up, another fifteen minutes pass. Frustrated, I rush to the bathroom door and start pounding on it. “If you two don’t come out of there right now, I’m going to break this door down! Are you really going to make my mom come up here? Because that’s exactly what’s about to happen!”

I hear them gasping with annoyance inside and shake my head. Then suddenly, the door swings open.

“Bloody hell! What has your panties in a twist?!” Lorna says as they retreat. Then she bows gracefully before me. Then straightens her back. “I’m sorry Alpha. In all honesty, I’ve been trying to help Zariah chill the fuck out.”

Upon looking at their appearance, I see that neither one of them has much makeup on. They are somewhat plain, just as Xena and I are. Then I feel like an utter bitch from hell. It should have been me in there with Zariah this whole time.

I pull Zariah in for a hug, comforting her. “Hey, baby girl, everything is going to be just fine. You are not alone in this. Turning into an ancient wolf shifter isn’t a walk in the park. I’ve experienced it myself. But remember, I’m here for you. And I have no doubt that Dante won’t rest until he knows you are alright. So just relax, take a deep breath, and trust that everything will work out.”

As the power of my Alpha Luna flows into her, a tingling sensation spreads through my fingertips. I can almost taste the electric energy in the air. I inhale deeply, catching a whiff of the earthy scent of the forest that lingers in the room through the open window.

In that moment, a sense of calm washes over me, and I know deep in my bones that Zariah is going to be alright. It’s as if the weight she carried has lifted, replaced by an air of resilience and strength. My senses keen, I can feel the energy pulsating within her, like a dormant flame now flickering to life.

A faint smile tugs at the corners of my lips, as I realize perhaps it was my strength and powers that she needed all along. My mother’s words echo in my mind, reminding me of the journey that lies ahead. I understand now that I have much growing and learning to do, to fully embrace the responsibilities that come with my abilities.

After restoring everything to its proper place, I urge them towards the door. “Let’s hurry before my mom shows up and starts lecturing us right before our mating ceremony. We can do this! We’re strong, determined women!”

Although we may not have witnessed the exact moment it happened, we have vivid memories of Jarek's agonizing journey towards becoming an ancient wolf shifter etched in our minds. The sight of his transformation still lingers, as if it had happened just moments ago. Now, my anxiety consumes me, contemplating what lies ahead for Xillon. Jarek, at least, possessed the inherent strength of an Alpha before his change. However, Xillon’s impending metamorphosis into an ancient wolf shifter, coupled with his subsequent rise to the status of Alpha, once I give him my mark, intensifies my apprehension. In addition, concerns for the safety and well-being of Zariah and Xena weigh heavily on my heart. Amidst this turmoil, I question my composure, uncertain if I possess the fortitude to navigate through these challenges. Yet, for the sake of us all, I must gather my thoughts and emotions to remain steadfast in the face of uncertainty.

‘Girl! “Chill out!” Larissa exclaims, reassuringly. “You’ve got me. I will not leave you, or any of the others, for that matter. Everything is going to be just fine!” Her words chastise me, but unexpectedly, a sense of calm washes over me.

As we rush towards the exit, a peculiar phenomenon unfolds before my eyes. Time comes to a halt, freezing every object and person in its tracks, leaving only me in motion. My bewildered gaze scans the surroundings, searching for answers, while a sense of utter confusion engulfs me. The silence becomes deafening as I observe the stillness, trying to comprehend the unfathomable situation unfolding right before me.

‘What the hell?’ I quizzically ask Larissa.

‘Brace yourself. We are about to be visited by a divine presence.’

‘My grandmother?’


‘Seriously, Larissa! You’re not gonna tell me what’s going on?’



Only two more chapters remain and the series will be complete. Chapter 29 has been halfway written for several months now. Bear with me as I get it written and out to you all. I hope that you all are enjoying your reading. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Hugs and Love, Sapphirian J 🥰

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