Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Xena’s smirk played across her face, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She raised her wineglass, the rich aroma of red wine mingling with the scent from the wood burning in the fire. “They built the ancient pack house to be more massive,” she continued, her voice tinged with anticipation. “With the thought of Dante and Declan needing their own alpha suites and, of course, separate suites for their half brothers, so... Zariah and I will move over there to be with Declan and Dante, of course. It shouldn’t be too much of a big deal.”

“Let’s not stress about any of this right now and let loose! This is supposed to be our bachelorette party, after all!” I exclaim, my voice filled with excitement, as I raise another bottle of wine towards Lorna. The sound of laughter and music fills the air as I watch Lorna grab the bottle, ready to pop the cork. The aroma of fruity wine wafts through the room, heightening our senses.

As Zariah holds her wineglass out for a refill, she asks, “What do you think all the guys are off doing?”

“They are male wolf shifters, Zariah! What do you think they are doing?!” I giggle, shaking my head.

“That’s right.” Zariah says, while giggling. “That was a stupid question to ask.”


As the night grew darker and the near full-moon ascended to the highest point in the sky, a restlessness began to stir within all of us girls. But it wasn’t just us feeling restless; our wolves shared the same yearning. Despite all the pampering we had been indulging in - facemasks, pedicures, manicures, and whatever else - it couldn’t satiate the hunger within us, for fresh meat and the hope of running into our mates.

Despite our state of inebriation, which didn’t help matters, blood and gore became a necessary element. Our wolves are scolding us for our reckless drinking habits. It’s quite the peculiar joy of being human, coexisting with our wolf counterparts, who possess their own independent existence. While we stumble around, our wolf companions strive to be the responsible adults in this situation, urging us to shift so they can take control and prevent any harm befalling us. Thankfully, our wolves possess the ability to heal us if we end up injuring ourselves. However, with our mating ceremonies scheduled for tomorrow night, any injuries could prolong our healing process.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go out there where we our mates could see us,” Xena slurs her words as we strip down to our bikinis. “We aren’t supposed to see them until the mating ceremony.”

“That’s just an old wives’ tale for humans,” Lorna declared, her laughter filling the air as she swung open the door. Peering down the hallway, she gestured towards the staircase that would lead us out of the ancient pack house. “Besides, it doesn’t apply to us. We’re not necessarily human.” She chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “By now, they should be finished with their hunting. Most likely, they’re indulging in their fresh kills and sipping on beer. It’s pretty much what we were doing, except they’re acting like cavemen.”

With cautious, barely audible footsteps, we tiptoed down the dark hallway of the grand mansion, the subtle creaking of the floorboards betraying our presence. Mindful of the silence, we opted for the stairs instead of the elevator, each step taken with the utmost care to avoid any unnecessary noise.

Emerging into the open air, a gentle breeze brushes against our faces, carrying with it the smell of dewy grass and the distant aroma of blooming flowers. Lorna, our ever-vigilant companion, closed the door behind us, its closing sound reduced to a mere whisper.

Descending onto the ground, we felt the coolness of the thick, lush grass beneath our hands and knees as we started our stealthy advance. The tall blades of grass towered above us, swaying in the wind, their rustling creating a symphony of hushed whispers. We navigated our way through this natural obstacle course, inching closer to the forest’s edge. Our senses heightened with anticipation.

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