[Romantic] Ploque x Ulipse

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Requested by Bazu from discord! (I take requests outside of Wattpad, though I only post the requests here and link it to the person when I'm done. Unless they have their own wattpad account that I can @)

Ploque stood there, waiting for a certain point. They stared at the world entrance, tapping their foot on the sandy ground as they waited.

A black to purple point soon steps out of the entrance, their symbol flickering.

"Sorry, did I take too long?"

"Nope, I only just got here. Don't worry about it Ulipse."

"Okay, but where are we going?"

"I know it's a bit too much for you but I wanted to take you to the City of Points..."

"Well, if that's where you really want to take me on a date. I don't mind."

"Are you sure? I know you're not the type to go out to be around too many entities--"

"It's fine! As long as I'm with you, I don't mind wherever you go!"

Ploque's symbol flickered in amusement, nodding as they take Ulipse's hand.

"Well, do you want to take the Yawrail to there?"

"Well, I'm not in a hurry to see the city... And I rarely get on the Yawrail anyway."

"Okay!" Ploque began walking over to where the Yawrail is. They walk past the other points who seem to be busy with their own things, Arrolin was petting their dragons while Compale chatted with Ixol. They reached the Yawrail where Stratosfear and Yawgate were talking to each other.

"And I was like, 'I'm going to steal a star!' and Anshine told me no but then I picked him up and ran to the gardens yelling 'I have stolen the greatest star that the skies have ever had!'"

"Oh yeah sure." Yawgate said, somewhat irritated.

"And then Anshine scolded me and pushed me off that hill in the garden and I fell into the star rose bushes again-"

"Now that's funny!"

"Oh come on, the thing I did was funnier!"

"All you ever talk about is Anshine, how about you go back to the sanctuary and be with him?"

"He's still mad I took the last slice of cake..."

"Oh. That explains why you're here to bother m- oh hello Ploque and Ulipse, are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, we're going to the city."

"Alright! Hop on in! Now, Stratosfear, go bother someone else now. I need to do my job."

"Okay..." He says walking away as the two entered the Yawrail, Yawgate soon starts up the engine and it begins moving.

Ulipse gazed at the window of the Yawrail, "So Ploque," they turned to face Ploque.

They lock gazes as Ploque tilts their head. "Yes? What is it?"

"What's the city like?"

"A lively place full of points, where they have set up shops, cafes, restaurants, arcade, malls, apartments for those who want to live there and so much more."

"If I recall, that's where Verfection lives, right?"

"Yeah, he also works here as a waiter."

"Well that's something."

Ploque nods at Ulipse, symbol flickering. After a while, the Yawrail comes to a full stop.

"We're here, you can get off now you two."

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