[Platonic] Ulipse x 2ss!Reader

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It can also be just 2ss since you're the player, you're 2ss but also the reader so- uh- oh y'know. Also I tried to do the sibling dynamic but as a only child, aha, struggled a little to write. Hope you like my attempt though.

Requested by: SeffSteroidzD2nd


Star Saviour sat against a wall in sky emporium near the doorway where Arrolin, Mino and Ixol's worlds are located. It is a quiet day for them, no one seems to be around, so they took a moment to rest.

"I wonder what the others are doing?"

"Star Saviour?"

"Huh?" they looked to their side and saw Ulipse standing nearby all alone.

"What are you doing there all alone?"

"Resting, while waiting for someone to come"

"Why? To announce to them you're gonna commit some crimes"

"Wha- no! Why do you think I would say that-"

"Your face."

"Huh? Oh very funny sailor mo-"



"I'M NOT-"

"Children calm down, no need to fight" Ploque approaches Star Saviour and Ulipse, somewhat annoyed.

"Well she started it!"

"And they fought back, I'm not sailor moon!"

"Yes you are Sailor moon, can't you two just stop fighting, you sound like children"

"okay mom"

"Wha- you know what, I'm just going to go back to my world, I'm not even going to fight back in this argument, just hope you two stop"

Ploque turns around and walks back to her world. Ulipse would ruffle the saviour's hair, which annoys them.

"Ulipse could you stop doing that?"

"No, I want to do it, I'm not going to stop"

"really? Just come on, stop messing my hair, I don't want to keep combing it, please?"

"Fine, since you asked nicely I'll stop" 

"I have a question now"

"what is it?"

"why do you often isolate yourself from the other points, you often stay at your world, you mostly only open up to me or ploque, is there something wrong with the others?"

Ulipse fell silent for a while, the saviour gazes at where Ulipse's eyes would have been, at her symbol with a look of concern and curiosity. Ulipse would look away before looking back at the star saviour.

"Well, for starters I didn't really think I could get along with them, because of what I am, not to mention I often snap and get overwhelmed with my emotions"

"well, it's not as bad as Ixol's and yet he's still doing just fine with the others, so what are you afraid of? You seem really nice and fun, I'm sure you and the others would get along well!"

"I admire your optimism, but I'm just afraid they would get scared or uncomfortable for when things get too overwhelm and yell at someone"

The saviour would pat Ulipse in the back. Smiling softly and Ulipse felt a little better.

"Oh Ulipse, no matter how much your flaws are, even if you had voices in your head like Ixol once had, even if you yell or be overwhelmed. Your flaws are something that can't be changed, but that is okay, it's no excuse for people to like you for the good things you have. I mean, I enjoy talking to you, you actually could liven any conversations if you gave the others a chance and open up more. I mean, everyone has flaws, but even with that, even if Ixol was really unpredictable, you're still going to be liked, they're not going to be afraid nor look down on you. Because you're their friend, and honestly they often asked me about you"


"they often ask me if you're doing okay and such and asking why you wouldn't go and talk to them at all, they really wanted to know more about you, that you would go talk to them."


"yeah, so please, go talk to them, it's not going to be bad, it's going to be fine, I know it will"

"If you say so"

"hey saviour! Ploque told me you were here so I wanted to che- Ulipse?!"

"Oh hey Arrolin!" The saviour cheerfully said, Ulipse couldn't say a word but felt the saviour nudge her, as if telling her to talk.

"Uhm... Hi Arrolin?"

"I rarely get to speak to you! I can't believe you're here, the others wanted to speak to you but they often couldn't find you, and even in your world like- where do you even live in there?"

"I'd rather not say, but you guys really wanna see me...?"

"yeah! Oh! I should go tell the others about this, I'm sure they'll be eager to talk to you, also Compale wouldn't stop asking about you, weren't you two at least a little bit close? Why did you just stop talking with him"

"I'm just afraid I might get overwhelmed and yell at him"

Arrolin would tilt his head.

"Ixol literally yells and even throws fire sometimes and yet everything is still fine, we can understand"

"that's what I've been trying to tell her"

"I mean... If it's fine then I guess I'll give it a chance, but on one condition"

"what could  that be?"

"accompany me, saviour, I'm not used to this, would you stick by my side and help me?"

"of course, I could do that"

Ulipse would hug the saviour, before ruffling with their hair again.

"Ulipse we talked about this-"

"oh come on, it's just one time, otherwise I'll keep doing it"

"okay. But in all seriousness, thank you for opening up, kind of, but slowly you will get used to this"

"yeah, whatever you say, I'll trust your words"

The saviour grins, then takes Ulipse with Arrolin to meet up with the others.

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