[Platonic] Arrolin x Star Saviour

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Requested by leafiisleafi
I am so sorry this took longer than intended to write, aside from school events, my mind went blank trying to write this— so it's a bit short :(

"Thank you Star Saviour for coming to celebrate chinese new year with me!"

"No problem, Arrolin"

Arrolin's symbol flickered, the saviour smiles at that.

"What do we do here by the way?"

"Well, celebrate! This place has been decorated for such great occasion and look, my dragons are excited- oh no! Don't eat those-"

Arrolin ran over to a dragon attempting to eat a firecracker, he takes the firecracker out of the dragon's jaws.

"This isn't edible! If you're really hungry, fine have this"

Arrolin tosses a dash pepper to the dragon to which they catch and consume, they seem content and moved away from the firecrackers.

"I'm so sorry about that"

It's fine! Do your dragons often do that?"

"A lot, one tried to eat a lantern!"

"Pff, so what to do first?"

"Well- my dragons have a dance to perform to us"


Arrolin looks over to his dragons and nods at them, they began forming a sort of formation and began dancing.

"So this is like- a replacement to the whole chinese dragon dancing but with people?"

"Well. It's not exactly a replacement, because we have real dragons that can dance! So we're witnessing actual dragons doing the dragon dance, isn't it cool?"

"I guess it's cool, oh no Arrolin there's another dragon trying to eat a firework"

"Wha- No! No don't eat that" he takes the fireworks away from the dragon, putting it in a crate and closing it.

"They're quite hungry today- or they think the explosives look like a snack"

"It's the latter, they're hard to control when they see these out. I taught them better not to do that- that didn't work"

Star Saviour would chuckle, smiling at Arrolin.

"Well there's your solution to keeping those intact for now-

"Mhm! Well those things made the dragons out of focus to dance, I suppose we should go eat. So they can have some dash peppers"

"Hm, okay! What do you have?"

"... Spicy stuff"

"I mean, I can handle spice! I mean I expected it from you, you love spicy things!"

"I mean I do have some none spicy food but there's just so little compared to the rest-"

"It's okay! Let's just go eat"

Arrolin nodded and lead the saviour to where the food was, handing them a plate, letting them decide on what to eat. He opens a barrel of dash peppers, throwing a big dash pepper to each dragon. Arrolin went back to the saviour and together they ate some food, he offers the saviour a glass of milk if they needed it, they decline however.

"I can handle it" the Saviour was coughing as they spoke.

"It doesn't sound like it, you need to drink something at least, come on"

"Fiiine" they took the glass and drank it, they stopped coughing and seemed to feel a bit better. Arrolin's symbol flickered in content.

"All better now?"

"Better, I think I'm full now"

"Alright! Onto the other festivities!"

Arrolin grabbed the saviour by the arm, taking them around the place, doing some festivities, having a very great time. Eventually the day turns into night and the lanterns lit the place up, all the dragons sat together as Arrolin opened up the crate in which he hid the fireworks in. The saviour watched as he set them up in a certain spot and held a stick to which he moves near a dragon, breathing fire onto it. He lits up the fireworks, put out the flame of the stick and sat next to the star saviour, watching it set off into the skies, exploding into various colors. Star Saviour watched in awe, looking over to Arrolin happily. Arrolin's symbol flickered to them, giving the saviour a hug. The dragons sat in a spot to rest as watched them as they spent the night together with so much fun and laughter.

[Temporarily Closed] Adventure Forward X Reader One-shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz