[Platonic] Arrolin x Ixol

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Requested by Shafty_Squire which got stuck being untouched due to not being able to access Wattpad for a long while! My apologies. Tried to keep this from steering towards having a slight characterization used in "The Grand Narrative" af fanfic of mine but it naturally went through in my writing, oops!

Arrolin stood in their garden of dash peppers, watering the plants that they've been growing for the longest time. It was set somewhere far away, out of the reach of their dragons.

"Just a little longer, and I've got plenty of peppers to harvest. I can't wait!" They say with a smile before hearing a rustling sound behind them, turning around quickly. "What?—"

Ixol emerges from the bushes, a smile on his face, whether it was mischievous or something else, Arrolin couldn't tell.

"Hello, Arrolin!"

"Hi, what brings you to my world? Or rather, how did you find this place?"

"I won't say. But I wanted to ask you something."

Arrolin casts a suspicious glance at Ixol, thinking of what he's up to this time. The neutral colored point noticed this and sighed.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm not here to cause any trouble, I promise you that."

"Then what are you here for?"

"I just want to hang out, okay? I'm bored. No shenanigans, I promise!"

"No fire? No destroying things?"

"None of that! Maybe the fire, but not for burning things! Not a bad reason I swear!"

"What could possibly be a good purpose for fire to you?"

"Cooking? On a grill or smoker?"

"That is a fair point, but what exactly do you want to do with me? Don't you have Ulipse?"

"She's busy, she's out with Compale, exploring a snowy mountain."

"Huh, how about Anshine and Stratosfear?"

"Anshine would be scolding me about what I did last week for hours, no thank you. As for Stratosfear, he'd be out travelling with Yawgate."

"The others?"

"They're busy, I can't disturb them."

"Then what if I'm busy myself?"

"Uh... I don't know... Normally I'd just sleep, but I'm not tired. I don't like the silence in my head." Arrolin could hear a hint of sorrow in his voice, he had lost the friends who seemed like voices in his head to Celesteal. The half dragon would sigh, shaking their head as they look over to Ixol.

"Alright, I'm not too busy. I've just finished my daily routine anyway, the last being to water these plants."

"Are these dash peppers? They seem very close to being harvest!"

"Why yes, those are dash peppers, but they're quite different than the ones we know."

"How so?"

"I've modified them, the robloxians do that to other plants all the time. Hopefully it worked out, and this should be even more spicier!"

"That's cool! Where did you learn to do something like that?"

"A bit of research and experimenting, using some other peppers I could for it. A little messy, but hey look at them now, it works out right?"

"Not sure how to understand that, a surprise you understand these anyway— but let's just see when these are ready for harvest. I might want to plant something like that in my world."

"How would you even grow those? No offense, I never saw much plant life in there."

"Well, only a few plants can survive such conditions naturally. But as you state, robloxians can modify plants, plants can sometimes adapt to conditions they grow in. Like how moss would grow essentially mostly everywhere."

"I've... never seen you with such an interest to plants before." Arrolin sounded awkward, Ixol's symbol flickered in amusement.

"I don't talk of it often. Is it too out of character for me?"

"Quite a bit, but it's not a bad thing! And don't say it like that, it reminds me of the narrative..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that— I just feel strange. I mean all of you see me as the way that I was, and maybe I still am but... It gets tired, I just want something more tamer, like this. I don't want to feel like that being a troublemaker is my character, I just want to be... Me? Whatever that is anyway."

Arrolin steps closer to Ixol, their scale and fur covered arms wrapped on the other.

"It's okay to feel this way, it's not a great feeling when you're only seen as one thing and nothing more than that. It's okay to have different interests, to be yourself doesn't mean to have limitations of labels from others. I'm constantly a bit lost on what to do or what's happening, but that doesn't define me. Sometimes I can fixate on something and I'll absorb everything about it so easily."

Ixol said nothing and returns the hug Arrolin had given him, their symbol flickered slightly.

"Thank you, that really feels reassuring. I needed that."

"You're welcome, though you should tell the others at some point of what you feel. It's not good to let them continue this kind of treatment towards you."

"And you, it makes it sound like you're just dumb."

"Oh, I'll be fine. I guess in a way I'm a bit dumb, but I know I'm not just that. Things can vary with me, that's it."

"That's not something to be just fine of! You clearly have a bit of a hard time understanding some things, but that doesn't mean you're dumb! You're able to figure out how plant modification works, and you're good at so many other things. So that isn't being dumb then!"

"That's true... Though, anyways. What would you like to do now?"

"Hm... Could you tell me all about dragons? Especially the ones you have here!"

"I would love to, though let's go elsewhere. Let's talk about back at the main area, where the dragons are."

Ixol would smile, to which Arrolin smiled back to. The two points ran off to where the dragons resided, Ixol listened intently to Arrolin's rambles as the hours went by until the sun had set and the stars sparkled in the skies above them, to which the neutral colored point would soon leave for the night. Arrolin watches Ixol walk out of his world, an ash colored flower in his hand to which he then plants on the ground where some flowers grew and headed off to bed for the night.

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