[Romantic] Anshine x Reader

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Requested by thefand0m_writer
This takes place post-af2

Stratosfear is emotionally okay, trust me  about that

"I'm sorry Y/N, but Anshine is currently not here. He left me in charge of the sanctuary in his absence" Stratosfear said to the Star Saviour. They frown in response.

"Why is he always away when I'm visiting?"

"He has things to do, and a lot to think about since what happened. It's a lot to take in"

"I know, but I just want to see him, you know?"

"What, you like him or something?"

"No- is it wrong to go see my friend?"

"It's not, I wouldn't mind but it's always him you visit. Is it truly visiting a friend, or something else?" He said, smirking at the saviour.

"Why you little-"

"Now's not the time to fight you two, I'm here now" Anshine walks over to the two.

"Anshine! I never get to see you lately"

"Sorry about that Star Saviour, I've just been busy"

"Well you're here now I suppose"

"And on time, it almost looks like you'd rip my best friend to shreds"

"He started it!"

"Yes, that is a bad thing to continuously tease someone. But it's also bad to try and hurt someone if the hurt they gave you is only verbal, in fact it's bad to try and take revenge at all"

"I'm... Sorry, I don't have the best anger control"

"It's okay, do you want to go on a walk with me to cool off?"

"But don't you have things to do here?"

"Oh it's alright, it's not going anywhere and Stratosfear is here to watch over the sanctuary"

"In all honesty I do not like the looks the angels give me for leaving me in ch-" Anshine covers Stratosfear's mouth, shushing him.

"You'll be fine here, they'll get used to it. Ahem"

He looks over to the Saviour.

"Let's go"

Without any word, they followed Anshine. Stratosfear could only stare at them, having a somewhat longingly sad look in his eye. They leave Star Sanctuary and walked around sky emporium.

"So, how are you Star Saviour?"

"Fine, but you know. You can just call me Y/N"

"Hmm, that is a nice name"

"Thank you, do you know what your name used to be?"

"Stratosfear told me it was Mason Maynot, apparently I've been mayor during the events of when he seemed to be a looming threat over Maytown"

"Who knew the Star Stealer had been the first Star Saviour all along? It makes sense why they suddenly vanished"


Anshine stops walking, causing Y/N to stop as well.

"You know, I know he's been a little... Bit of a tease over you most of the time about me"

"You know...? Uhm I don't actually-"

"Don't lie to me, I can tell in your eyes you're lying when you're trying to deny the truth. Do you like me?"

"I- uh, I don't know. I don't understand much really"

"Well, think about it, process it. Don't think about Stratosfear's words, he just has a habit of doing that for fun. He's just a bit concerned and knows what's best for me, he was Mason's best friend, I can't remember it. But I can feel it"

"It kind of almost sounds like it's because he likes you"

"Unfortunately, true or not, I don't return the favor... I'm sure he'll understand... I hope"

"Though he'd want you to happy"

"Yeah, so what do you think now?"

"I... I like you"

"I like you too, no, I love you. You may have been here thanks to a sick little plot setup, but you'll always be a the one in my heart. In a way I could thank Celesteal for having us meet"

"O-oh... I guess, but don't give Celesteal anything good about him"

"of course, he's not a good person. But otherwise we wouldn't be here"

"Let's not continue talking about a dead guy, I don't wanna be haunted by God or something"

"Why? Are you scared if he did that?"

"I'd slap him in the face"

"But he's a ghost- whatever, do you feel calm now?"

"I feel a whole lot better, thank you Anshine"

"Anytime, Y/N. Do you want to go back the Star Sanctuary? Or do you have some place to go?"

"Not really, I was intending to just see you and nothing more"

"Well if you don't have anything to do, I would like to take you somewhere then"


"It's odd, but I just want to see the Maytown ruins"

"I don't mind going there, but there's nothing much to see but ruins-"

"Alright, let's go" Anshine opens a portal and lets Y/N get in before following. They stood at where Maytown's entrance would've been.

"Why are we here?"

"I've just been thinking, about who I was and what I think of myself now with that knowledge"


"Whoever I was a lifetime ago, I may not be able to live up to that. His thoughts and actions, it will be a mystery to me. Unless per chance my memories return, but it seems unlikely"

"I'm confused, why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you say this to stra-"

"What I'm saying is, I can not take back the past, but I can have a future with this life I have now, maybe with you. If you wanted"

"And Stratosfear? He's your-"

"He'll always be my friend, but you, you're more than a friend. Can I have that future?"

"Of course but we need to take it slow- it's all of the sudden"

"I know, and I'll be patient about it."

"Thank you Anshine"

Anshine's symbol flickered and he hugs Y/N, the two hugged for a while. Eventually, they return to Star Sanctuary, and they continued talking together. Stratosfear looks at how happy the two are and can only smile a little for them, sighing.

"I have a feeling I'm going to see a lot of this, but that's okay. Anshine is happy with them, I suppose I'll be happy for him having something nice in his life"

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