[Platonic] Anshine x Compale

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Requested by StrangeB_Ios!

The snow falls gently in Frosted Snowland and Compale stood at his usual spot, there was a commotion nearby, though he knew what it was.

"Does Anshine even know? Ah, he'll find out anyway, they're all here." Compale listened in to the laughter of the angels as they threw snowballs at each other, Stormy being the most defensive, pelting the others in snowballs.

"Stormy cut it out! How are you so good at th-" Sky would be thrown a snowball at their face, "HEY!"

Compale chuckled at the sight, continuing to watch them from afar. He then heard the soft sound of footsteps on the snow, turning around he saw Anshine.

"Compale! The angels aren't at the sanctuary, have you seen them?" There was panic in his voice, though Compale said nothing and gestured towards the sight behind him. Anshine calms down upon seeing the angels having a snow fight.

"I swear sometimes they just do things without me noticing, they could've informed me of this!"

"To be fair, you were quite busy with paperwork and Rain didn't want to break your concentration, that's what they told me."

"Still! That scared me..."

"Well, you go tell them that. If they don't end up throwing snowballs at you."

"Yeah, okay..."

Anshine walks past Compale, approaching the group of angels as they threw snowballs at one another. They noticed the starry point, their focus shifted to him.

"Why did you all just leave without telling me?"

"I'm sorry, you were just so busy! I didn't know if I wanted to disturb you, I didn't think you'd be finished now-"

"Still, you could've told me anyway so I wouldn't be panicking and running around frantically trying to find you all!"

"So we can't continue the snowball fight now?"

"Well, you can, but you still should've told me this first-" he was hit by a snowball to his arm, causing him to shout in surprise. Stormy had mischievous grin.

"Lighten up, Anshine! This is war now!"

Anshine squints and shakes his head.

"Oh no you don-" he fell backwards as the angels pelted him with snowballs, almost getting buried in snow from the barrage.

"Compale! Help! They're outnumbering me!

"Get over here! Now!"

"I can't! I'm getting buried in the snow!!"

"Hold on, I'm going to get you!" Compale ran over to Anshine, slowly dragging him away as the angels began to hit them with snowballs, managing to flee far enough from their range.

"They can't just get away with this! What do we do?"

"Throw a bigger snowball at them, hit them like they're bowling pins!"

"Compale doesn't that sound a little too much-?"

"If you're boring, probably."

"... Fine."

[Opened Again] Adventure Forward X Reader One-shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz