[Platonic] Aevon x Verfection x Shard Saviour

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Requested by SeffSteroidzD2nd
Sis I think you're insane and so am I honestly, also this is your fifth request, and you chose to use it for something surprisingly normal. Awesome, I think.

Didn't know what to decide, so may I introduce you to the first character x character x character oneshot! Though I might not be able to pull this off in a romantic context if this became something others could request, so this may be exclusively platonic?

Aevon found themself in a very peaceful picnic with Verfection, chattering and laughing as time passes by.

"How's your life Verfection? All things good?"

"Oh it's alright. Nothing bad I suppose" his gaze seemed distant, Aevon shrugs and pats him on the back.

"Still hard to live with that day haunting you?"

"Not really, but you know I tend to overthink about it, just- I didn't know what I was thinking"

"Oh hush, I know how much stress you felt over the idea of Celesteal coming back, it's not your fault for feeling that way. And no one got too hurt, that's a good thing"

"That's true, but I still tried killing a person"

"But you didn't, and he forgave you- anyways enough of the past, what do you have there in your picnic basket?"

"Oh this! I have some grilled cheese sandwiches and lemonade"

"Grilled cheese?" They asked, curiosity in their tone.

"Yeah! It's my favorite, have you not eaten one before?"

"No, what's special about it?"

"It's better than a normal cheese sandwich- I can't really describe, here, taste it yourself"

Verfection took out two grilled cheese sandwiches, he gives one to Aevon and started eating his sandwich. They look at the sandwich in their hands, observing it. The sandwich is warm, fresh from the grill, perfectly toasted and the cheese dripping onto the picnic blanket, Verfection doesn't seem to mind the mess. Aevon took a good look at the sandwich before taking a little bite, it tasted amazing to them.

"See? It's good, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it does! Why haven't I tried this before, I see now why it's your favorite!"

"Told you so, do you want more? I brought a lot of these"

"Wait wait I haven't even eaten half of this! I'd love some lemonade though"

Verfection nods and reaches out for the lemonade, handing them a cup. He pours in the lemonade and they thank him, taking a sip.

"Aevon, do you have any spare feath- oh oh- I'm sorry am I intruding?"

"It's okay Shard Saviour, we don't mind your intrusion and no, I don't have any. Not like I'm shedding feathers around this time"

Verfection said nothing at him, Shard Saviour notices his silence. He puts his hand on Verfection's shoulder, giving him a reassuring look.

"Let's not think about what happened, also are those grilled cheese sandwiches?"

"Do you... Want some?"

"If it's okay with you to share"

"It's alright, you can take some"


The saviour sat down near Verfection, taking a grilled cheese sandwich from the basket, taking a bite of it immediately. Verfection watches the saviour as he enjoyed his sandwich and smiled a little, focusing on his own sandwich. Silence filled the picnic for a while, all three eating their sandwiches.

"So, how are you two?"

"I'm fine, I've pretty much recovered from that whole corruption thing. Really felt so lightheaded and heavy after that"

"Hmm alright" Shard's gaze shifted to Verfection, who stiffened at his sudden look towards his direction.

"Uh- I' m good too, adjusting slowly to things"

"Hm, doesn't sound like a guy who's alright to me"

"It's a little awkward. I have to admit, not often I'd be near the one I almost tried killing"

"I know right, and come on, lighten up a bit will you? You can't always look at me like I'm a ghost haunting you, have more enthusiasm! Or I make you"

"Now how will you do th-"

Shard Saviour playfully shoves Verfection, catching him off guard and falling backwards, he laughs at him.

"Hey! That wasn't nice"

"Come at me then and get me!"

"I can run really fast"

"Oh yeah? Why couldn't you catch me?"

"I- get over here!"

He sticks out his tongue and runs off, Verfection follows after and the two run around in circles. Aevon is amused by the scene and laughs as the two go on a cat and mouse chase, Verfection eventually leaps at the saviour, catching him. The two roll just near the picnic basket, leaving them breathless.

"Told you I'm fast"

"Not fair! You leaped and tackled me!"

"Well we're even now!"

"It's good to see you happy like that Verfection, the three of us should hang out more, maybe even with the other points"

"Yeah! I'm just really glad I caught this little pipsqueak, you've been getting on my nerves most of the time"

"Well sorry about that, what was I supposed to do with a guy trying to stop me from saving reality? Surrender? Might as well mess with you at the very least. Dying while having fun sounds better than not doing so"

"So fearless, how do you handle it?"

"I don't. But I'll try to stay positive about it! I'd say I'll go now but I don't really have anything to do"

"Then stay with us, I feel a lot better about what happened, it's been done."

"That's the spirit! A little positivity is a good thing, don't let yourself be hurt by it, though only you decide to let it be or don't let it be"

"Very wise for a child"

"I may be short but that doesn't mean you have to bully me about that"


"Uhh, can you two cut it out and settle things nicely, let's just talk it out over some lemonade"

"Sure, sounds great then"

For the rest of the day, the three had their fun. It was one of the days Verfection could never forget, while also being poured a bunch of lemonade on by Shard Saviour out of spite, he can't be mad. Aevon enjoyed this day, and wonders what's in store for tomorrow.

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