[Romantic] Verfection x Voixer

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Requested by SeffSteroidzD2nd  'cause of me rambling about said pairing in discord (vc), here's your mush of gay, seff

Eat up /j

Voixer sat there peacefully in their pocket, it was nighttime outside of it. They sat there in silence when they heard someone approaching them from behind.


"Voixer..." His voice seemed hushed

"It's late at night, shouldn't you be asleep back at one of your homes?"

"I can't sleep, and I know you don't really need to sleep to have the energy to go through days, so I came here to spend time with you"

"When's the time you didn't spend time with me?"

"Never, but there's nothing much to do, other than be restless in my bed all night, it's too dark to do anything"

"You could go on a walk, venture out into the nature"

"I want to do it with you, is that a little too hard to ask?"

"Well, I do want to get out of this void for once, where do you want to go?"

"I have a place in mind"

"Take the lead, I will be right behind you"

Verfection nodded and turned around, quietly walking to a portal that he had created, stepping into the grass on the other side. The two had walked for a while, Voixer seemed clueless as to where Verfection took them but they didn't question much.

"I would have made a portal directly to the place, but I don't want to put too much energy into making a portal that far away. I'm sorry about this"

"It's perfectly fine Verfection, I don't mind having to walk this far, as long as it's with you and where you're taking me must be a beautiful place then"

Verfection turns his head to look at Voixer, smiling before looking straight to where he was going.

"So, since this is going to be a fairly long walk, how's everything about Everi so far? You mostly spent your time in the void unless I've asked you to come with me"

"It's nice, it's a little hard to get used to, but this place is wonderful. I know it if I could hear Morward talking to pasless from miles away, telling him about how beautiful the world is and everything we essentially never really experienced back in our dimensions since we've been stuck there for a long time, though maybe Morward just finds everything new interesting since she has her plentiful share of experiences here"

"It's the latter, and it's great you're enjoying being out here too. There's a lot to see and I know that's a lot to take in when all you've ever seen is the empty void and your platforms, though you will enjoy the place we're going to"

"Actually, where are we going anyway?

"Mmm, I'm not telling you, yet. But we're almost there"

"You said it was a long walk, I didn't think we almost got there now-"

"... It wasn't actually a long walk but I figured it'll be nice to talk about something to break the silence, it's not like we're going to wake someone up for talking this far from them"

"Well it's fine actually, I really don't mind having conversations with you, if you wanted to have conversations anytime, then you can always ask me. I'll always be available to chat"

Verfection stopped walking which caused Voixer to stop as well.

"Well, we're here now, what do you think?"

Voixer took a good glance at where they were, it was in a fairly big clearing within the forest, there was a lake in the middle. The waters sparkle under the sky full of stars, and not too far from the lake lay a picnic blanket with a basket just say at a corner.

"... You planned this to happen, didn't you, you wanted to take me out on a picnic?"

"Yeah, I felt like it seems more beautiful and peaceful under the stars rather than daylight. Besides stargazing sounds more beautiful than cloud gazing, potentially blinding yourself to the sun"

"No, I understand what you mean, and I do prefer the darkness. Thank you Verfection I do love this"

"I'm glad you love it"

"I love you as well" Verfection's eyes widen at his words, a hint of confusion in them.


"You heard me correctly, you're not hearing anything different nor does this need to be so vague. I've seen the sparkle in your eyes and type of softness you have when you're near me, I've never seen such things when you're with anyone else."

"C-can't that just mean I'm really close with you? I don't think- Oh who am I kidding, but I don't think you wouldn't feel the same way, I just thought-"

"That I wouldn't like you and if you tried to tell, I would reject you? You know, you shouldn't be so afraid to tell, especially you've been at this for years because if you don't try to, you will lost the opportunity to. What if I ended up with someone else if you haven't spoken up? But now that doesn't really matter doesn't it?

"I guess... Thank you though, for this. Shall we go to the picnic blanket?"

"Of course"

The two headed over to the picnic and together they sat on the blanket, gazing at the stars.

"So, what'd you bring for the picnic, since you have a basket"

"Oh yeah! I have some sandwiches and cupcakes"

"... What kind of cupcakes"

"The ones you like, chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting, I may have overdone the sweetness for it accidentally and-"

"Perfect, that's exactly what I want"

"What- Voixer just how much sugar do you consume on a daily basis"

"as little as none if you haven't given me anything"

"... Right, let me just give you this cupcake"

"Thank you"

The two silently ate their food, admiring the stars above, Verfection leans against Voixer, not taking his eyes off from the sky.

"Does it ever tire you, of just constantly staring at the same stars in the sky?"

"It doesn't, because everytime I look up, even when I'm alone, I'm with someone and no matter where I am, there's something magical about this. Especially right now when I'm here beside you, I just can't tell what"

"We're alone, sitting on a picnic blanket in the middle of somewhere beautiful, and that these are one of those nights where the stars glow brightly in the pitch black darkness in the sky. It surely isn't just any normal experience, this is more than just us having a casual time, in fact this isn't something we normally do-"

"So this is a date?"

"If you want it to be, of course"

"This doesn't seem like the best place for a first date though..."

"No, this is perfect, don't ever doubt yourself"

"You just know what to say to make me feel so happy, don't you"

"Heh, anything for you Verfection"

Voixer wraps his arm around Verfection, allowing him to comfortably lean against him, taking a sandwich for himself, stargazing for what seemed to be hours.

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