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I groaned groggily, my whole body felt weak, like al my energy had been drained.

Last thing I remember is being in the woods alone finding some cave and then blacking out.

My eyes fluttered open adjusting to the dim looking lights of what I made out to be some dungeon. Thank god for the tracking chip in our suits.

"Peter?" I croaked out to peter who was half awake. He groaned blinking a few times adjusting to the lights like I had.

"Ah." Aura walked in smiling devilishly. "The ex lovers are awake. You know it was so so easy to fool you Peter. Who knew shapeshifting as Luna would get you to fold so fast?" Aura cackled. I furrowed my brows staring at the two in confusion.

Auras gaze landed on me. "Let me explain, I disguised myself as you and made him think you were still in love with him." She laughed hysterically. "Best part is that he believed it right away, you wasted no time in kissing me thinking I was Luna did you Pete?"

Peter looked away with embarrassment and anger. Aura grabbed his face forcing him to look at me. "Tell her how you really feel Peter, it will be your last time."

"God, you're pathetic." I mumbled. Aura walked over to me grabbing my by my hair.

"Funny thing about your cuffs princess, is that it makes it even more enjoyable to torture you. You don't have your powers to defend you." She said before stepping back, as if on cue I felt jolts of lightning running through my body making me scream in agony.

"Stop!" Peter called, the jolts stopped, I shut my eyes recovering from the shocks. Aura cooed at peter before starting the lightning again.

"Does this bother you?" She cooed at Peter who protested making her stop. "Alright fine. I suppose it will ruin the fun and I will have my fun torturing you princess." With that she walked away.

"We're gonna die." I muttered. Peter shook his head trying to scoot closer to me but we were both chained to the wall facing one another.

"You're immortal-

"Unless another god or goddess kills me." I reminded. "Pete..."

He looked away. "No Luna I can't have this conversation with you." He pleaded softly.

"Peter...Did you mean it? When you said you regretted-

"No." He cut me off. "Falling in love with you will never be something I regret...I found myself with you." He leaned his head back closing his eyes. "What Aura said about me being in the woods with what I thought was know what happened?"

"What?" I urged him to go on gently.

"She came to me as you...telling me you missed me, missed our relationship. Immediately I relapsed into the drug that is your love."

I bit my lip fighting back tears. "Is that why youre moving to Callisto full time after summer? Because you feel stuck with me?"

I shook my head trying to find my voice. "Peter...I'm moving because without you there's nothing left in New York for me." He stared at me with remorse.

"Luna." He whispered. He bit his lip as if fighting back words. "You know...I was going to propose, after graduation."

My head snapped to him eyes widening just for a second. Was he serious.

"Then we broke up and things changed...Engaged after high school married after college." I shut his eyes shaking his head. "i know it sounds insane 2 18 year old getting engaged but it felt right. I knew you were the one for me." He finished.

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