18: Restaurant Talk Pt.1

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Lying on the bed, I stare at the ceiling. My head felt heavy and I was extremely tired yet I had just woken up. It was the weekend so no school but surprisingly, I woke up really early. It was only 6am, I doubt Jake is awake.

I don't think I even slept last night, thinking about what Ethan had told me yesterday. I was a mess. Everything was a mess. I just didn't know what to do. Should I forgive him and move in with him or just hold a grudge against him? Even if I did hold a grudge against him, what will happen? It's not like it would change anything.

And I still missed him, a lot.

So after making a final decision, l call him.


I swung the door open, revealing the newcomer. With a smile, he greets me and I greet him back. I walk out the door, lock it and approach the vehicle. He opens the car door for me and we're off.

"What have you decided?" he asked while paying attention to the road. I turned to him, watching as he skillfully makes a turn.

"I already told you that we'll talk about it once we reach," I stated and saw him gulp.

"Also, you're paying for my drink," I added with a chuckle and noticed a smile appear on his face. I looked out the window.

"As you wish, my queen," he teased. I tried not to smile as I felt my cheeks get red.

Once we arrived, we got off the car and walked into the restaurant. The place was huge and fancy. There were leather seats set on each table that had a white tablecloth with a vase of roses placed in the middle. Chandeliers shined above each table, giving the place a little gold to it. The frames of the ceiling were covered in shiny pearls that made me question if they were real or not.

My lips parted in shock when I noticed the number of people here. The crowd was huge and I hadn't even realized it because I was too busy noting down what I should have in my own house.

I stood in front of a table, ready to take a seat but I was surprised to see Ethan pull it out for me. He gave me a smile and I sat down. He sat down too and passed me the menu. I took it and my eyes widened at the delicious options they had and how expensive they were. I focused on the breakfast section since I didn't have any.

I peeked from my menu and watched as Ethan's eyebrows furrowed while going through his. I stiffened when his gaze met mine. I felt my face get hot so I turned my gaze to the menu. I heard him lightly chuckle and place the card on the table.

"Have you chosen what you want?" he asked. I glanced at the menu in my hand once again and looked at him.

Pancakes sound nice...

The Hidden TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora