7: An Unexpected Visit

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"Sweaters and dresses sold at affordable prices. Made and designed for all ages. Come be one of the buyers and wear our clothes specially designed by The CEO of E&W designers, Ethan Wilson. Can be bought at XXX in XXX. Brought to you by E&W designers."

The advertisement on the television drew my attention. It showed a couple of dresses and sweaters with unique designs. I blinked once I saw the CEO of the famous designing company on TV. He looked hot as ever, to me. I wasn't at all surprised to hear that those clothes were designed by him.

With a smile on my face, I looked them up and found out that they were in Los Angeles, California. It's far. I had followed them for a while but didn't know where exactly the building was until today.

If there was something I wanted to do for a long time it was to own some of their dresses. I've always wanted to wear their designs but looking at the prices, my piggy bank won't allow.

I exhaled and threw my phone away. My brother was away today. He claimed that he had some work to do which directly translated to "I'm going out with my friends". I never really understood why he had to lie but yeah, I'm alone in the house.

And I'm tired...


After a three-hour long nap, I decided to get into the shower and get dressed. I changed into some baggy black pants, a maroon t-shirt and a black hoodie. Even when it's flaming hot outside, I'm still wearing what I want.

Just before I sat down, the doorbell rang.

What is up with the doorbell nowadays?

I hope it's not Lamar...

Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to face him again after our argument yesterday. And I don't even know what we were arguing about. We just did it and somehow, I feel bad for going all beast mode on him. I must've hurt him.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, Elena.

Shaking away my thoughts, I opened the door only to be welcomed by my three lovely friends. A smile decorated my face as I let them inside only to be squished by them.

I giggled in their embrace, feeling warm and fuzzy.

"Our little girl, how are you?" they asked in unison. I rolled my eyes at them for choosing "little" when referring to me.

"I'm fine. I believe all of you are okay." They all nodded.

Keisha stepped forward and began squeezing my cheeks. "Elle, I missed you so much. Have you eaten?"

"You only just saw me on Friday. How do you already miss me? And yeah, I've eaten breakfast."

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