3: He's an Idiot

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It's been a week since Lamar joined the school and let's just say, it was pretty rough for me. Mrs. Thompson made him my desk mate since I quote, "there are no other empty chairs" and if she uses these things called eyes, she'll clearly see that Keisha and two other guys don't have desk mates.

I mean at first, he wasn't too bad. Tuesday was great, he just sat beside me and minded his own business, it was peaceful until Thursday when we were given an assignment due on Monday which is today. He kept bugging me about helping him with the questions saying he didn't understand and I just ignored him. During the weekend when I was completing my assignment peacefully in my room, my brother called for me from the living room and when I arrived there, I saw Lamar at the front door with my brother.

After avoiding him all of last week, he showed up at my house on a Saturday. Saturday of all days!! He ruined my Saturday. Shawn, my annoying older brother, opened the door for him. By the way, now to come to think of it, how did Lamar know my address? The only person I know who would betray me like this is none other than Keisha. Keisha, I'm so gonna kill you!!

Now, where was I? Oh yes, Saturday. He showed his adorable but disgusting face. He walked in, talked to Shawn for a moment then looked at me.

“Hey, Elena,” he had said. I returned the greeting and we made our way to my bedroom. He was amazed, it was written on his face when he scanned my room. I sat on my bed and he just stood in front of me.

“So, why are you here?” I went to the point.

“Can I borrow your book? I haven't completed the assignment and you know how Mr. Davis is when it comes to Science,” he pleaded and gave me the puppy eyes which I may add, are the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I scoffed. “Were you paying attention when Mr. Davis was teaching? No. Now leave me alone.” I laid on the bed and continued with my assignment. “Please,” he whined. I shook my head and he whined and whined until I gave up and gave him the book once I was done.

Now here we are in detention. Why? Because he freaking copied every single answer I wrote! And Mr. Davis? He didn't care! What kind of punishment is this? This is the first time in detention and it's all because of Lamar. What an Idiot!!

I sat on the desk way behind at the corner while he sat across from me but a few seats ahead. I took out my phone and plugged in my earphones, letting the music consume me. I placed my head on the table, waiting for it to end.

The teacher isn't around. She claimed that she had some business to attend to leaving us with some chick that was left in charge. She sat at the teacher's desk, facing us. She wasn't those dolls that have makeup all over their face, she was normal like me and was probably wondering why she was left in charge of us.

Her name is Abigail. She's our senior as she's in the 12th grade. An average girl like me, I don't know if she has friends or not but she's cool. She hasn't bossed us around so...yeah. I don't know much about her.

“Hey,” a whisper snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned my head only to move it back to make some distance between us. I sighed. With gritted teeth I asked, “What do you want?”

“Nothing,” his annoyingly cheerful voice rang and I almost lost it. Taking a deep breath, I ignored him.

“Stop ignoring me,” he whispered. I glared at him and turned my head to face the wall. He removed one of my buds and whispered, “Talk to me.”

Feeling like I'm gonna explode, I turned my head swiftly. He smiled at me as if he did something good. “Shut up.”

“What if I told you that I'm not gonna shut up?” he whispered and drew closer to my face, “What will you do?”

“Will you just shut up!?” I shouted, a little too loud that it echoed in the room. I instantly covered my mouth once I realized what I had done.

“Elena, is something going on between you two?” Abigail asked as I shook my head. “Please maintain silence when in the detention room, you hear me?” I nodded.

Thanks to Lamar, I almost got in trouble.

I glared at the said person and he grinned at me. Oh how I want to wipe that smile off your face, you idiot!!

“Someone has anger issues~” he sang and I punched his arm a little too hard that I saw his eyes tearing up.

“Shut up before I shove this pencil down your throat,” I threatened him as I picked a random pencil from the floor.

“As if.” He rolled his eyes and I took deep breaths to cool myself down before I did anything stupid.

He is so gonna pay...

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