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Hope you guys enjoy =)

      The festival breathed life into every shop, every alley, and every corner of the Forum, transforming the heart of the Capital into a vibrant tapestry of colors and aromas. Royal blue streamers and banners adorned the streets, fluttering in the gentle breeze.

      Gondolas flowed gently through pristine ravines that split the Forum apart like a jigsaw. Some gondolas were transporting goods, others were entertaining passengers, and a few held live music drifting through the city. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation as visitors from all walks of life flocked to experience the annual festivities.

      Shops and restaurants took advantage of the occasion to display their finest products in ornate cases that beckoned passerby to explore their treasures. Shopkeepers hollered compliments and deals as restaurants offered samples and treats with the air being filled with the intoxicating aroma of delectable treats that can only be found in the Forum.

      Long lines formed at the most popular establishments, while other stores overflowed with eager costumes. The bustling crowds and animated chatter created an ambiance of joy and celebration of the bountiful harvest season and wish for another.

      La Siega Verano Festival seems to always halt Arkadian in his steps, bringing back the memories of the first time he experienced the Festival. Even though the person who shared those memories with him was gone, the joy and the magic were still here waiting for new memories to unfold.

      A small smile played out on Arkadian's lips as he observed Oberon excitedly darting from one store to another, his eyes seemed to widen in sheer delight at every new thing that caught his attention. The young boy was captivated by everything unfolding before him, fully immersed in the wonder that was the La Siga Verano Festival.

      Amongst the sea of different shops, one store seemed to hold Oberon's attention longer than five seconds—the Jauna Antique store. Its facade exuded an old-world charm, inviting curious souls to step inside the homie store and rediscover treasures from bygone eras. Oberon eyes were dancing between the enchanting displays, as intricate trinkets and curiosities adorned the shelves, each with a history and story to tell.

      As Arkadian watched Oberon's enthusiastic expression, he felt a warmth radiating from within. A gradual release of worries and reservations was slowly melting into the background as the positive joy of La Siega's magic was seeping into his soul. At this moment, Arkadian allowed himself to let go, to embrace the atmosphere, feeling the weight of the crown lift momentarily.

      To be free. To be a kid again. To be his true self.

      The festival was an oasis of laughter and merriment, and Celestials, he needed this. He forgot how much he loved the festival, the sheer amount of bliss and elation made him forget everything and just feel the present. It made him feel relaxed. To feel happy, something he hadn't felt in quite a while.

      "Did you find something you like?" Arkadian asked from behind as Oberon was eyeing a particular gem in the display case. The gem was of medium size, polished and dazzling. It wasn't a spectacularly rare ore except for the unique dark purple hue that was hidden within the gem. However, Oberon wasn't looking at the rarity or the luster of the gem; he was enamored by the familiar energy he felt trapped within it.

      "Oh...no, it's okay," Oberon sighed slightly defeated. He was quickly comparing the price of the Gem to the other things on display and it seemed to be one of the most expensive item on display. While the average prices hovered around 1,000 silver pieces, the gem cost 2,000 gold pieces.

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