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Hope you folks enjoy this chapter =)

      The city of Rache stood just beyond the next ridge as Crimson brought the carriage to a halt.

    "We're going to continue on foot from here," she announced to the others as she hopped off. She grabbed the wooden stake that was mounted on the side of the carriage and drove it into the ground, before securing the reins to it. "Remember, our objective is to retrieve the holy item," Crimson reminded her Roses, passing around the commission paper so everyone knew what they were searching for. 

      It was a masterfully sculpted lyre made with hardened white wood and adorned with soft blue accents, matching the holy waters of the Sacred Lake; Santa Ligera. One of the four sacred instruments of Luxian. "Avoid unnecessary conflicts with the bandits; do not engage with them," Crimson advised her team. 

      " We'll split into three pairs to cover more ground. Aylin, you're with me. Lance, you'll accompany Arkadian, and Hemuk you'll partner with Eirina. Arkadian and Hemuk you two will take the lead, so make wise decisions. I want this mission to proceed smoothly. Once one of the teams locates the item, inform the others using your Centurion pagers, and then we'll regroup and reclaim the item. Got it?" Crimson issued her orders, and the others listened intently, fully aware of the gravity of the commission. 

      This was their first major quest, infiltrating a town infested with bandits to retrieve a holy item belonging to the church. One wrong move and the mission could go awry.

      "Yes, captain," the Roses affirmed their understanding of Crimson's orders and expectations. They were determined not to disappoint her.

      "Alright then, Roses disperse," Crimson commanded, and the three groups separated. Arkadian skirted around the city with Lance closely tailing him, remaining concealed on the opposite side of the hills until he reached the small roads connecting the farms to the west gate. Two guards were manning the gate, while another pair patrolled the top of the city wall. If he had Eirina or Aylin with him, they could have eliminated the two bandits patrolling the walls before swiftly taking down the guards below. However, Lance, being a swordsman like him, lacked long-range attacks.

      "We could attempt to surprise the guards when the sentry guards aren't looking," Lance suggested.

      "No, that wouldn't work. They'll spot us before we can reach the gate," Arkadian explained, realizing they needed an alternative entry point. "Wait, Lance, you said that you grew up here right?"

      "Yeah, what about it?" Lance looked puzzled, wondering why the prince was bringing up this subject again.

      "Do you know if there is another way into the city besides the main gates?"

      "I'm not sure..." Lance paused for a moment before his face shifted to a sly grin. "Actually, there might be one."

      "Lead the way, then," Arkadian urged him. Lance guided them past the west gate and to the north side of the city. The castle walls were adorned with thick green vines, with tall grass covering the base of the stone walls. They kept low using the dense grass for cover.

      "It should be somewhere around here," Lance muttered, using his sword to sift through the dirt until his sword tapped on something solid. "Ha, found it." He bent down and pushed the dirt aside, revealing a makeshift cellar door.

      "What is this?" Arkadian questioned the sketchy-looking cellar. It looked decrepit and on the verge of breaking.

      "When I was younger, I heard rumors that some of the older kids had dug a secret passage to escape to the capital at night and party. I guess it was true," Lance chuckled to himself as he used his sword to break the latch, before jumping into the cellar. The tunnel was narrow and cramped, with the light from the cellar opening quickly being swallowed by the dark. Lance used his sword to check the path before him while Arkadian kept a hand on his shoulder to keep close. Lance stopped when his sword felt an obstruction.

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