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I hope you folks enjoy this chapter. =)

      'Great,' Arkadian thought to himself—his mother was the last person he wanted to see right now. He waited as he heard Lillian's footsteps fade before heading to his desk, which was covered with a few books from his father's personal library. However, what he was looking for wasn't any of the books, but something that was hidden beneath them.

      He pulled out a black square pendant and held it up to his window. It glimmered in the morning sunlight. The smooth surface reflected light like a well-crafted mirror, however, it was the other side of the pendant that he was more interested in. There! The unknown symbol that was engraved on it was the same one in his nightmare. He spent weeks scouring his father's private library trying to decipher the symbol, but he hadn't found anything yet. What he did know was that the pendant was nearly indestructible. He found that out when he struck his royal dagger against it and the dagger broke.

      The other thing he knew was that the pendant was somehow connected to his nightmares. It is a family heirloom and his final gift from his father's deathbed. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that he dared to open the box and wear it, but when he did the first nightmare began. He kept glaring at the pendant, scrutinizing it, hoping that if he stared hard enough it would answer him. That it would tell him why his father gave him this cursed object? Or why did he protect it with his life?

      But his inquiry soon shifted to animosity. All his problems began the moment he wore the pendant, the nightmares, the rumors, everything! Arkadian furiously threw the pendant as hard as he could against the wall, hoping that it would shatter, but like every other attempt, it bounced off unscathed. Annoyed and irritated, he grabbed his clothes off his changing divider and wore them over his undergarments before storming out to see his mother, leaving the pendant forgotten in his room.

      Arkadian arrived in front of his mother's office and quickly adjusted his royal blue vest so it hugged his torso properly and straightened his light beige dress pants before opening the doors into his mother's study. She was sitting quietly at her desk, her long blonde hair loose and messy on her shoulders, as if she didn't have time for the maids to braid it to its usual appearance. There were several piles of papers scattered across her desk with Sebastian, her advisor, at her side helping her sort them. She tilted her head up when she heard the door open.

      "Arkadian honey, please sit," she pointed to one of the two chairs that were stationed in front of her desk. He followed his mother's request while Sebastian handed him a cup of warm tea. The prince quickly thanked him. Arkadian didn't miss the obvious worry that was plastered on her face. He thought he did a decent job tidying himself up.

      "You called for me?" Arkadian quarried as he sipped his cup, moving the conversation forward.

      "Yes, the reason why I asked you to meet with me is that I made a few changes to the La Siega Verano festival tomorrow," Roseline answered his question while handing him a stack of papers. Arkadian took the stack and skimmed through it quickly. His hands stopped when his eyes caught the appearance of the "Knights' Tournament Royale", which was recently added.

      The paper read, that for this tournament, the most skilled fighters in the Holy Aurum Empire and even beyond their borders were invited to compete in a bracket-style tournament. The reward was a large amount of Ventis coins, the only international currency that was accepted between the different nations of the Magnus Octum. In addition, the grand prize was an offer to become a royal knight of the Aurum Royal family.

      "When did you add this?" Arkadian asked, trying to hide his disdain for what he read. He knew what his mother's reasoning was, the royal knight position was his mother's plan to get him a glorified babysitter. He wasn't some weak and insignificant prince, he was a capable warrior himself, one who didn't require the services of a personal knight. He knew what the masses were whispering about him. How the poor prince is struck with an illness, that he will not live up to the late king's legacy, and that the prince isn't fit to rule anymore. Having a personal bodyguard tailing him will justify their claims.

      "I know it's not what you like, but it's necessary," Queen Roseline tried to reason with her son. "Plus, it's only an offer."

      "An offer that no one will be dumb enough to refuse! I don't need a royal knight! I can take care of myself!" Arkadian's voice rose, frustration and defiance lacing his words. "Or do you no longer believe in me either?"

      "Of course not! I don't think that, and you know that!" Queen Roseline shouted, slamming her hands on her table as she shot to her feet. She didn't understand why he was being so hostile all the time. "But... after your father's death, I can't take any chances with your safety. Whether you like it or not, you will have a royal knight!" She matched his glare, daring him to challenge her even further, but he backed down. Her eyes were on the verge of tears. She rarely spoke of her husband's passing. Arkadian knew that he shouldn't push any further before they both said something that they would regret.

      "Fine! If that's all, can I take my leave then?" Arkadian asked in controlled anger.

      "Yes, you may leave," the queen waved him off, hoping that he'd take this time to cool off and come to his senses. Why couldn't he see that all of this was for him? He's defensive with everything and everyone, always looking for an excuse to start something, and that mindset will get him killed someday. If it came down to it, she was willing to become the villain in her son's eyes if it meant protecting him from himself.

      After Arkadian stormed out of the office, Roseline let out a strained sob. 'What was she doing wrong?'. Roseline wiped her face clear of tears before she reached for the bottom drawer of her desk. She fumbled around before pulling out a crystal orb. Within it, she could hear the soft hum of Lillian's magic coursing through the glass.

      "Lillian..." she called. After a few seconds, Lillian's image appeared. She was surrounded by several floating books and scriptures in ancient languages.

      "Yes, my Queen, how may I be of service to you?" Lillian bowed her head noticing redness in her queen's eyes

      "You stopped by to check up on Arkadian this morning. Is there any update?" Roseline asked.

      "His nightmares are still present; however, I'm currently looking into new clues on what might be affecting them," Lillian answered, keeping her answer concise. She omitted the part where these nightmares might be precognitive visions or foreign memories, deciding to keep her deal with the prince. The Queen had enough to worry about.

      "I see. Please continue working on that. I also want you to upgrade your surveillance of Arkadian. I fear that he might do something that I can't stop." Roseline noticed that he had been sneaking out more often without guards and wandered off beyond the castle walls. The only saving grace she had was that Lillian was watching over her son.

      "Of course, I shall protect him to the full extent of my abilities." Lillian gave the queen a sweet and kind smile, hoping that it would be enough to reassure her. "Is there anything else that you need, my Queen?"

      "No, nothing else," she started, "Actually when you are done with your work, do you think you could come to meet me for some tea and snacks?" Roseline asked softly, as a friend, not as the reigning queen.

      "Of course Roseline, I'll meet you for lunch," she responded with a small smile before the magic within the orb the queen held faded.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Would love to see the feedback on this chapter and hope to see you in the next chapter. Nekros signing out.

 Nekros signing out

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