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      Vargas recoiled in shock as he was processing the Prince's revelation. It couldn't be a mere coincidence that the same symbol appeared on both nights. That means that they weren't just random assassination attempts, but premeditative attacks. Was someone plotting to overthrow the crown? First the king and now the prince. The implications were grave, if someone is truly targeting the crown, then the Queen and the Prince are in danger.

      How had he not noticed the signs earlier? How had he failed to see the lurking threat to the crown? He was the Grand General, the protector of Aurum, the shield of the Crown, yet this had managed to elude his vigilance. He wasn't sure if his sister knew of this. Vargas' mind raced, if Lillian knew of this she would have mentioned something to him. So they are actively trying to evade both his and Lillian's radar. If they are actively trying to kill the Crown while avoiding them, then this makes them a lot more dangerous.

      "Seems like someone is targeting the royal line. You are in danger, Your Highness." Vargas declared, rising abruptly from his kneeled position. "I need to inform Lillian immediately." He asserted with determination. He hated the idea that the La Siega Verano festival was about to go into full swing because that meant any number of visitors could be potential threats. Last night wasn't a random attempt if what the Prince is saying is true. Then someone has been planning to kill the prince at the banquet and failed. So, someone else is going to try to finish the job.

      Suddenly Vargas' conversation with Crimson the day before popped into his mind.

      '...we need to conduct our investigation without the church's knowledge...' Could these two things be related? If Crimson's speculation is correct, can the Church also be behind the assassination attempt? Was the Church behind everything that's been going on so far? But who in the Church has a grudge against the Crown to commit such a heinous crime?

      He needs to be more vigilant now. He has to uncover the truth that lurks within his beloved kingdom. He needed to ensure the safety of the Crown before something else happened. Vargas will postpone his patrolling duty in the Eris forest until he apprehends the culprit. He will not rest until he eliminates the threat.

* * * * * * * * * *

      On the eastern wing of the castle, where Lillian's tower was nestled at the top, Queen Roseline ascended the winding steps that led to the top. Peering into the room, she discovered Lillian slumped over in deep slumber, her head cradled in her arms amidst a collection of scattered books. Beside her laid an exquisite piece of jewelry, resembling an earpiece.

      Roseline let out a soft sigh, this wasn't the first time she found Lillian overworking herself throughout the nights. Roseline quietly walked to a small chest at the edge of the room, where she had placed a blanket for moments like these. She pulled out the quilt blanket and gently wrapped it around Lillian before she was going to head back down.

      "Your Majesty," Lillian stirred, preparing to rise, but Roseline gently pressed her back down.

      "How long did you stay up last night?" Roseline inquired. Although she had intended to recount the events of the previous night, observing Lillian's exhaustion persuaded her that it could wait til Lillian had rested enough.

      "I was preoccupied with creating this," Lillian lifted the earpiece to the Queen. "It's a translator for the Prince's ward," she explained.

      "The boy doesn't speak our language?" Roseline inquired.

      "No, he doesn't. He speaks..." Lillian hesitated, realizing she couldn't divulge certain details, even if it was to the Queen. "Sorry Your Majesty, it falls under Ventis secrets."

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