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[For those in the book club, this prologue doesn't exceed the 1,000-word minimum, so it doesn't count as a complete chapter according to the book club guidelines. So you can skip to the next chapter to complete the readings, but I do hope that you'll give the prologue a chance. - Nekros]

Hope you guys enjoy =)

     The city was bathed in a sea of blood. The dark crimson mist fell everywhere. The paved streets were littered with lifeless bodies as their fresh blood slowly seeped into every crevice of the city, turning the once vibrant market square into a macabre landscape. The acrid smell of death and decay mixed with the red mist thickening the air. 

      The oppressive silence of the deceased was periodically broken by the distant, guttural growls of the shadowy monsters. The cries of both the innocent and the damned were muffled by the overwhelming fear that consumed the city. Prayers to the gods went unanswered, wishes for a miracle were ignored, and calls for a savior were left muted. The helpless pleas were quickly silenced by the creatures, each screeching voice succumbing to its demise. The monsters showed no remorse, no mercy, and no hesitation as they slaughtered anything, and everything in their path.

     Arkadian stared in absolute horror at the scene before him, his mind unwilling to comprehend what he was witnessing. His trembling hands desperately clung onto his blood-soaked clothes, searching for any semblance of warmth that might have been left dry, hoping that it would provide him with a false sense of comfort. 

      How could he have let this happen? He was supposed to be the golden prince, the brightest sun that shines through the darkest despair. But what could he have done to prevent this? Nothing. He couldn't have done anything, he was powerless to do anything but to bear witness.

     "Ark..." The voice was faint, however, it was enough to attract his attention. Was someone still alive? There was someone calling his name. He pulled his eyes away from the grim display, fiercely scanning the plaza for the voice until he spotted a hooded figure sitting idly at the edge of the central fountain as it spewed out tainted water in mockery. The arid air thrashed harshly, the high winds still picking up speed, and yet the wind never revealed the figure's face. 

      Arkadian forced himself to stand up, putting all his remaining strength into his trembling legs as he stumbled over the dead bodies and slipped through the sea of red, determined to reach the hooded figure. He was still the prince. He needed to help his people, even if it was only a single person. It is his duty as the golden prince. The closer he got to the figure, the louder their voice became.

     "Ark...Hope." Hope? Arkadian stifled a helpless chuckle, this person still believed that there was hope in this situation. Arkadian shook his head casting aside his pessimistic doubts and fears, if there was still hope, he had to believe in it. He raced to the figure, the sound of his footsteps echoing heavily through the desolate square. As he approached, he noticed strange embroidered symbols on the figure's cloak. He had seen them before; they appeared familiar. Could this person be his key to salvation?

     "Arkadian, you must seek Hope." Arkadian could now hear the figure more clearly. Seek hope? How was he supposed to seek hope in this dire situation? "You have to find Hope!" 

      Where was he supposed to find hope? He truly wanted to believe that there was still hope, he needed to believe that there was hope, but the nagging voice in his head kept asking. Is there any hope left? This person was asking for the impossible. He can't just find hope out of nothing. Who was this figure? Once he reached the figure, he grabbed the hood and pulled it off, revealing piercing silver eyes that stared straight into his soul, consuming his entire being.

     "The Golden Sun Must Be The One To Return Hope!"

     "Arkadian, wake up!"

The Celia Saga: Argine Arc - Act I: 

The Nightmare and the Child

Omg I finally did it =), I hope you guys enjoyed the introduction to Avalon. Nekros signing out.

 Nekros signing out

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