viii. Newsflash (Not Of The Good Kind)

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I'm in a bit of a pickle right now - but I've got good news, and bad news for you. Substantially more bad news... but for the sake of order I’ll start with the good news.

Me, Cynder, Arto and Rey are kind of a close knit group now. I guess train friendships stick, you know? Anyway, it has been nice having some friendly faces around every so often to remind poor Silver that he is in fact still sane.

Oh, and you know that maths pop quiz first lesson? Totally aced it! I think. Well, I mean it felt fine, so that's surely a good sign isn't it?

But, the thing about that maths test. Let’s just say that the teacher had a seating plan already, and can you guess who I was with? I bet you can. Aurora. Can you believe my rotten luck! So then Mr Akello started handing out maths tests and Aurora, what a surprise, decided she didn’t want to do any of the work.

Yep. The audacity. And then she thinks she can bully me into giving her the answers? Nuh-uh girl, it ain't like that. I didn’t give them to her, of course. But then she started kicking me under the table, and when Mr Akello came around, she blamed it on me.  (don't know what I expected, really)

I swear to Arceus, some days I want to tear out her throat and shove it back down her mouth! If that doesn't shut her up, nothing will!

After that unsuccessful occasion, I think I just made it worse for myself, as she clearly hates me more now. What am I thinking! This is not good! Anything BUT good! It has meant I’ve had to resort to hiding in the bushes to escape her… so for the rest of the day I’m going to have to make a deliberate attempt to elude her. I'm really starting to think school isn't quite the joy ride I thought it would be.

As Cynder would say, I guess that's life.

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