xxii. I'll Say It, I'm A Blockhead

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The rest of the day dragged on, and I couldn't focus on anything. The guilt gnawed at me. I knew I had to find Cynder and make things right. After school, I headed towards the courtyard, where I knew he'd be hanging out. Sure enough, I spotted him trying (and failing) to juggle some berries, much to the amusement of Rey and Arto.

Eh, actually, Arto looked more like a stone-faced warrior right now, but Rey was certainly humouring his attempts.

I approached him, feeling a knot in my stomach. "Cynder, can we talk?"

He glanced at me, eyes twinkling with mischief and guilt and something else. "Silver! Come to join the show?" He half choked, half laughed.

"Um, not exactly. I ... I wanted to apologize. I was a jerk earlier."

He face suddenly became serious again. "So, you finally came to your senses, huh?"

"Yeah, I did. I'm really sorry, Cynder. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, I don't know, Silver. Apologies are nice, but I think you need to do something to really show you mean it."

"Anything. Just name it."

His grin widened. "Repeat after me: 'I, Silver Windwing, am a Blockhead.'"

I blinked, then laughed. "Seriously?"

"Dead serious. Say it!"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Fine. I, Silver Windwing, am a Blockhead."


"I, Silver Windwing, am a Blockhead!" I said louder, starting to laugh.

"There we go!" Cynder clapped me on the back, laughing with me. "All is forgiven."

Suddenly, Rey stood up to join us, and she clapped us both on our backs, and linked arms like some primary school chain. Her grin was nearly as big as Cynder's. "And now you've got to repeat after me: I, Silver and Cynder, am going to watch Pokévision with my friends, and I will enjoy it."

Cynder groaned, whilst I just looked up at her questionably. "Poké-what?"

"Pokévision! YOU DON'T KNOW POKÉVISION? THAT IS A CRIME!" She announced. "Oh my Arceus, we've got to show you!" Without another word, she disappeared into the corridors, no doubt making for the common rooms.

We walked to the common room together, and I felt a lot lighter. The big screen was already on, and the room buzzed like a honeypot of oversized bees: windows blacked, beanbags shaped, a seemingly inexhaustible stash of dried mango and rice cakes to go around. (I hate the no chocolates in the common rooms rule, right?)

"There's our spot," Cynder said, pointing to a couple of bean bags near the front. We plopped down, and Cynder immediately started making predictions about who would win. "I'm telling you, Kanto's entry this year is unbeatable. The Flarewings! As in, THE FLAREW-"

Rey cut him off before he could finish. "NO. NO WAY. THE FISH AND CHIPS ARE GOING TO WIN, FULL STOP, BYE BYE."

So, this was Rey's passion. Who knew the reshiram could get so fired up over a music competition? As it turned out, the Fish and Chips was a band consisting of two magikarps, a feebas, and a very skinny snorlax ... Who was supposed to be the "chip".

The world never ceases to amaze me.

And of course, Cynder couldn't help but provide commentary. "Look at that, Silver. They've got a whole orchestra on stage! Bet they're hiding a Pikachu in there somewhere to power all those lights. Look at that, they've got a live Torchic. OH MY GOD THEY'RE COOKING THE TORCHIC. This is crazy! Are you seeing this?"

Yes, I am. And I'm loving being in talking terms again with everyone. I even forgot about my wing for a good hour or so, and despite noticing it again, the burden didn't feel so heavy.

For the first time in a long while, I felt like things might just be okay.


As this whirlwind of a year comes to a close, I can't help but reflect on everything that's happened. If you'd told me at the start that I'd end up with a metal wing, nearly lose a friend, and then make up with him by shouting "I am a Blockhead," I'd have thought you were out of your mind. But here we are.

This year tested me in ways I never imagined. From battling Aurora to dealing with the aftermath of my injury, every challenge shaped me into someone stronger. It's been a ride full of ups and downs, but I'm coming out of it better, ready to face whatever's next.

Speaking of what's next, just when I thought things might calm down, guess what? Do you remember that island challenge thing that was mentioned at the start of the year? I'M SECOND YEAR SOON. That ... Will be US? Hiding in islands alone? Escaping from ... Teachers?

But hey, that's a story for another time. For now, I'm just going to kick back, watch some more Pokévision, and enjoy the break. Life's unpredictable, and sometimes all you can do is laugh and roll with it. Stay tuned, because if this year was anything to go by, the next one's going to be an absolute blast.

You! Hey, you there! I expect to see you next year! You can't just leave me now and never know what happens, do you? I thought not. Seriously? I'm not a waste of time.

Okay, you're not convinced. Whatever.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, yes-I, Silver Windwing, am still a Blockhead. But I'm a better Blockhead than I was before.

Catch you in the next adventure!


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