xiii. Kai

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So I gave the papers back to Rey and the others last night, and they were very grateful. Rey even apologized for sending me off because she said she was just being selfish! I did say I agreed with her, but then she slapped me. I wonder why... Girls. I’ll never understand them.

Well anyway, I’m not looking forward to Aurora today… (Not that I ever do) But especially not after yesterday. It’s break, so I’ve seen her already today, but every time she looks in my direction, she casts a sly smile… I really do not like the look of this. Well, I’d better, you know, go, and stay out of trouble. Of any of her gang. They’re all pretty nasty -

“You’re Silver Windwing, aren’t you?” Came a raspy voice from behind me. Aurora didn’t sound like that. Did she? Who was it?

Slowly I turned to come face to face with a Darkrai looming over me like impending doom. OH ARCEUS! The Darkrai grinned menacingly at me. “I know you are.”

“I-I am...who?” I stuttered, pale as a sheet. Hello? Confidence? Why was he so intimidating!

“Silver Windwing!” He roared, “Aurora’s nemesis.” My blood instantly ran cold. Oh no. Ohh no. He KNEW Aurora…this is bad, this is so bad…what do I do?

“Err…I don’t…know…what you’re talking about” In response the Darkrai leaned right into my face. “Aurora knows it was you that stole the papers” He grinned.

“She stole them first!” I retaliated, then immediately covered my mouth.

“So you are Silver Windwing!” He cackled devilishly. Arghhh, Arceus, I’d made it worse! A million times worse!

“Um…did I say that?” I muttered feebly. The Darkrai loomed in closer, dauntingly, until he was staring directly at me…no, through me. "You know what I'm capable of? I'm a Darkrai, Silver. I can give you nightmares... Let's see what you're afraid of..." He said, slowly and steadily.

Nightmares? Can he do that? He's a Darkrai, of course he can do that.

“Who are you?” I asked, somehow managing to keep my voice unwavering. The Darkrai grinned.

“I” he declared, “am-”

“About to be sent away,” remarked a voice from behind us. We both spun around with lightning reflexes. Zeld! Zeld? He’d come to my rescue again!

“Zeld Shardson.” The Darkrai growled “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“Busy tormenting that kid?” Zeld probed. My captor tensed and I watched the showdown intensely.

“Kai, you know you can’t just give people nightmares without reason.” He said sternly. So the Darkrai was called Kai.

“It wasn’t without reason!” He protested.
“He stole Aurora’s papers!” Zeld turned to me.

“Is this true?”

I was lost for words. “No, well, I mean, yes, technically, but-”

“Did you, or did you not take Aurora’s papers without her permission?”

What should I say? What should I say? I sighed, defeated. Zeld would know anyway.

“Yeah, but I was only recapturing them because she stole them from ME without my permission!” Now Zeld faced Kai.

“Kai? Did Aurora take his papers first?”


“Don’t lie, Kai, because I can very easily take on Aurora.” Kai stared at him and sensed the truth in his eyes.

“Yeah, but so what?”

Zeld shook his head. “Go, Kai, don’t come back.” Kai snarled at him, but turned to me.

“I haven’t forgotten, Silver Windwing. You’re getting nightmares, starting today… watch out…” He grinned darkly and a feeling stirred in me that he might not forget that… As soon as he left, Zeld called out to me.


Oh Arceus…here we go again… déjà vu anyone?

“Silver did I not tell you to stay out of trouble?” I backed down feebly. “I can’t keep doing this, someday you have to realize that I won’t be there to save you from everything!” I couldn’t define his expression - it was a mix of anger, disappointment and longing.

“S-sorry” I mumbled.

“He probably will give you nightmares, Silver, in fact, not probably, definitely.”

Oh, Arceus, I don’t know how I feel about that. Scared? No.

Okay, maybe a little.

“I can handle them…” I uttered.

“Don’t overestimate yourself.” I bit my lip cautiously. Zeld turned to leave, but paused for a split second. “Silver… next time, I won’t be there to save you. Stay out of trouble”

Diary of a Legendary Lugia [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now